my dads an assasin, gee, you picked a great job dad! 7

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suddenly bullets exploded past the glass window and then they were bouncing all over the place while the glass exploded onto us like sharp, pointed, painful snowflakes. i looked around in fear. what the hell had happened? i knew what had happened, but who were they trying to kill? was it my dad that had done this? Gentry's mom? a third assasin?

i saw a figure, i knew that it was the person that had shot the window, i got up and chased after that person, i knew that it was a stupid move but i just acted. i didn't think my actions through. my dad was always giving me hell for that.

the assasin caught me chasing her and sped up. it was a woman who had black hair and blue eyes, the same color as mine, except that hers were the kind that you couldn't look at. i don't know why i kept chasing after her, but i just kept up behind her.  she did all kinds of things to try and loose me, but my dad had trained me well. i was able to keep up with her for over an hour.

 i could feel my phone buzzing in my pocket, i knew that it was my dad. i don't know how i knew, but i just knew that it was him. the phone stopped buzzing, and i knew that my dad was hearing my voice mail. i don't know what name i'm using right now, and i'm probably out trying to kill someone or trying not to get short or killed, but leave a message, i will get back to you the second i am not in mortal danger i'd always had that as my voicemail, i'd always found it funny, until now. what if those were the last words my dad ever heard from me? if that was the last time he heard my voice?

we ran and ran, i refused to let her get away. i had no idea why i was chasing her, my body was moving of its own accord. i just couldn't let her get away from me.

throughts raced through my head. who had she been hired to kill? why had she blown in the window? had she killed her target? how long before she stopped running from me? how long could i keep up with her? if she attacked me, how many seconds would i last against her? what was going through my dads head? what was going through Gentry's head? was this stupid descision the last one i made? was i running towards my death? for some reason these thoughts didn't affect me. i felt like i wasn't me. like when i thought something, i wasn't the one thinking it. i felt like i was watching everything i did, ti wasn't doing it, i was just watching everything happen.

the black-haired, blue-eyes assasin that i was chasing stopped when we hit an alley. she was physically fine, but my breathing was slightly labored. i realized to my horror that she was covered in all kinds of weapons. i knew what they all were and how they worked, but all i had to defend against her was my gun that had exactly fifteen bullets in it, the two knives in my pockets, and the small gas canister in hanging from my hair-elastic, and the elastic itself, which could electrocute people. that was it. that was all i had. why had i come after her?

the words she said shattered my whole world. she knew the name i'd been born under. i'd changed it time and time again, we always changed it when we moved and messed with the documents so that our birth certificates were under those names as well and then destroyed all evidence of our prior identities. i knew that name i'd been born under because i'd looked it up when my dad was gone. how the hell did she know it?

she seemed to think i hadn't heard her so she said it again. "Why are you following me Annie?"

"Thats not my name. its Juliana." i spit.

"Oh yes, your latest identity. your father's registered under Jhon right now, isn't he?" she asked me. her blue eyes shone mockingly.

"How do you know our actual names?" i demanded of her. if she wasn't a friend of my dad, then i'd just written my own death warrent, signed it, handed it to saten, put a gun to my head, and pulled the trigger."don't you know?" . then it hit me. "you worked with my dad."

she smiled, but her smile made my blood run cold and shiver shot down my spine, as if they were trying to escape her. "i guess you could say that." she said, still smiling.

"who are you?"

"you mean you don't remember?"

"should i? why are you here?"

"can you blame me for wanting to see how my daughter was doing?" she asked me.

my whole world shattered.

"mom?" i'd only seen one picture of her in my whole life, and i'd only seen it once because my dad had burned it once he found my fingerprints on it.

"took you long enough." she said.

"why are you here?" i demanded of her.

"you'll understnad later." she said.

that was my cue to run. i took off.

she'd caught me withing six seconds. she pressed a cloth to my face and then the world started to spin.

before i blacked out, i heard a gunshot, and then my world went black for a second.  i opened  my eyes and Gentry was standing not three feet from my pointing a gun at my mom.  the only coherent thought in my mind was this: he's come to save me....but he's not cute enough to be Prince Charming.

i heard the woman who claimed to be my mom laugh. Gentry lunged at my mom.

i fell to the ground.

i saw blood splatter, but i didn't know who'se blood it was.

i heard a scream.

someone picked me up. it was Gentry. he took off running, i could hear the woman who was my mom shooting at us.

Gentry ran for it like crazy. ten mintutes later he burst into my house, my dad shot up immdiatly.

my mom and my dad both glared at each other for a long time before my mom spoke.

"we need to talk." she said.

"not in front of the kids." my dad said.

"why not? it conerns them. they'd have to find out at some point-the boy doesn't have anything to do with this but i guess he can stay." my mom seemed complelty at ease with my dad, the assaisin, then again, they were both assasins.

"dad, what is she talking about?" i asked him.

"meet your step-mom." he said.

"step mom?!" she screeched.

"she's not youra Marcy. you were my second wife. i switched the kids at birth, she's not your kid. your kid was raised by my wife." he said.

"why?" she snarled.

"you know why." my dad said.

"i thought you'd killed him." she spit.

"i didn't kill his son." my dad said.

what the hell was going on here?

sorry its so short, its late, i'll update tomorrow, sorry people who read this.

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