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Chapter Thirty Four - Troublemaker

Aiden's POV

"Hello boyfriend,"

I took in a long breath before opening my eyes as I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in,"

Mom stepped in.

"Have you been sleeping?" She asked.

I furrowed my brows. "No,"

"Where is your phone?" She asked.

I looked around the room and shrugged. "It must be somehwere. Why?"

She came closer and bent to pick up my phone which was lying on the bed, right beside me.

She gave me a playful grin.

"What?" I asked.

"Dylan called me to know why you weren't picking up your phone so I came to check on you,"

"What did you think? That I was dragged to hell by a demon who appeared through the closet?" I joked.

She rolled her eyes and sat on the bed. I waited for her to speak but she just stared at me with raised brows.

I sighed. "Mom the phone could be on silent mode. Okay? I'm not turning deaf. Relax,"

She narrowed her eyes.

"What do you want?" I frowned.

"Is something bothering you Aiden? Is there something you wanna share with me?"

I took a deep breath. "No mom. I'm fine. Trust me," I gave her a smile to reassure her.

"Okay," She nodded. "But why aren't you ready yet?" She asked.

"I was just going to get ready," I said.

After mom left, I took a quick shower and pulled on a white shirt with black denims. I ran my fingers through my hair, combing them back, and rolling the sleeves of my shirt upto my elbow.

I went downstairs and Dylan was already in the living room talking to my dad.

"Hey sleeping beauty," He greeted.

I rolled my eyes as we left in his car.

"So you wanna explain?"

"What?" I snapped.

"Your behaviour since the past few days. You've been like this since the day you told me to give lunch to Tori. I mean what is going on between you two?"

"I don't wanna talk about it," I said.

"Ofcourse you don't," He murmured while looking ahead on the road.

The ride was going silent until he spoke again. "Look we have beaten up our asses this whole month for basket ball and now we have a whole week of peace ahead us. This party is just the beginning. Get drunk, find a girl and do what you do,"

"Are you crazy?" I snapped as I rose in my seat in alarm.

He raised a brow. "Isn't that what you do? Or should I say used to? Tell me when was the last time you hit on a-"

"Dylan you don't make sense at all. You know I am dating Tori and you are telling me to-"

I was cut short by his laughter. "Do you really call that dating? Seriously? Do I have to define 'dating' to you? Have you even kis-"

"Shut up," I snapped.

He chuckled while I shut my eyes.

Is that all dating is about?

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