{4} Pipe Dream

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The world felt foggy, hazy, as if it were not truly there. Perhaps if Jon Jasper wasn't in the haze of his day to day work he would not feel such a sensation. He didn't enjoy all the work he had to do from day to day - it hardly ever changed, and if it did change in any way, then he didn't notice it. It continued to drone on and on and on.

But, of course, all he could do was release a sigh and hope that the day would either bring some sort of excitement or would end sooner rather than later. There was only one reason why he decided to remain at Cloisterham instead of seeking some sort of job. He was there for people - only two people, yes, but two people who would draw him there forever more. One, of course, was his nibling Elliot. He'd raised Elliot for many years in his inexperienced and rather young hands and therefore didn't know how he could leave them.

And, of course, he stayed for Rosa. She did not know the scope of his attachment to her, and perhaps it was better for her not to know - at least, not yet. One day he would muster up the correct words to express it, but for now he would have to be content with what little he could say.

He would never leave Cloisterham Academy as long as those two remained. He would stay there forever if he had to, only because he could not imagine a world where he was no longer near to either of them. It was, of course, far more difficult for him to get any sort of contact with Rosa as she was a student, but he could not help but hope it would work out someday.

As he released a sigh and glanced down to his work, he heard the sound of footsteps coming to his office. Before he looked up, he waited to hear if whoever was out there was truly trying to come to his office - it wasn't uncommon for students to want to spend time with Mr. Criss, as everyone loved the drama teacher (although he wasn't quite sure why...).

But those steps had stopped before his door. Without looking up, he said, "Who is it?"

"I thought you might have predicted that I would come here," Rosa's voice purred out. "I thought you might know, but evidently not."

"No...I did not."

"Well, I've arrived, Mr. Jasper," Rosa said, the hint of a smile resting upon her lips. "I apologize for never finding the time to come to converse you after class, but you must see...well, I am quite busy these days. It is precisely what happens when you're a junior in high school."

"Never mind that," he replied. "I just want to know what brought you here. I didn't ask you to come today."

"I am all too aware of that," Rosa replied. "I came on my own accord. You must have expected me to scrape together the time some time."

"Is it really so terrible to spend time with me?"

"Oh, quite the contrary!" she replied, those beginnings of her smile starting to grow. "No, I desired to spend far more time with you than I would've been able to if I had thought that I had anywhere else to be. I have depleted my schedule of all other commitments."

"Then you're free for anything," Mr. Jasper said.

"Absolutely anything," Rosa replied. "I suppose this is why you continued to ask me to see you after class was over. I know you've always wanted to speak with me...but I am also aware that you want, well, you desire more than speech. That much is certain, at least from my view."

"What do you mean by 'more than speech'?"

"Why would you ask me about it? If it's what you've desired for ages now, then who am I to retract it from you? Besides, I've craved the same from you, perhaps just as long as you have. It's been difficult to shade such emotions, but now...now I am free to speak and act as I please. I don't have to worry about Elliot getting between us any longer. Elliot does not matter, not in the solace of your office."

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