New Sexy, Arrogant....Professor?

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After getting stopped by so many boys who wanted to give her their number, Imani finally reached her classroom. Stepping through the door she got the same reaction from the persons in her class as when she first stepped through the Hall.

She sighed and sat in her seat. Soon a dark skin boy with a curly faded hair stepped in front of her desk. Looking up Imani realised who it was....
Marcus the only person who actually said hi to her every once in a while.
"So what inspired the change Missy" he spoke.
"Trying to lift that mood" she replied lifting her head fully but her gaze soon focus on someone entering the classroom. He had on a navy blue lumberjack with a black tie and black slacks. With his every move you could see his muscles practically ripping out of his shirt. His hair had tiny curls and was slightly grown. His hazel eyes glowed in light shining from the window, he had a clean shaved face, thick red Lips were pursed. Striding across the classroom with power radiating off his caramel coloured skin indicating that he was mixed.

"Who the fuck is that?" Marcus said following her gaze. know nobody but the sexiest man on the freaking planet!!....imani said answering his question to herself.....
What about Jake a voice said...
Oh shut up...who the fuck is Jake?
Imani unconsciously laughed out loud at the attitude of her mind towards her now former biggest crush.

She stopped when she saw everyone looking at her including him! Imani also saw that Marcus had gone back to his seat. Shit she thought.

"Is something funny miss?" His voice boomed through the classroom.
" s-sir" she stuttered a reply.
He smirked. "Well class I guess we have a crazy one."
The class erupted in laughter, Imani hung her head down feeling embarrassed.

"Anyways let's name is Javen Benson but I'd prefer you'd call me...professor." He said nonchalantly.
"I know we aren't in college but your seniors so need the practice."  Imani was so caught up into what he was saying and also the way his lips moved as he talked that she didn't see when someone threw a broken pencil on her.

He continued, "I will be your new math teach-" he was interrupted by a loud screech.
Turning his head to see where it came from he sighed.

"Young miss what is your name?" He asked narrowing his eyes at her.
"Imani Murray si- uhm professor." She replied embarrassed.

"Why did you interrupt me with that distasteful outburst?" He asked.

"I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again." Imani said feeling even more embarrassed not only because she was the center of attention but also because it's in the bad way.

"Are you sure you should be in senior class Ms.Murray because you cannot even answer a simple question." He replied looking straight in her eyes.

Embarrassment and hurt  were all the feelings that Imani could muster up within herself.
"Why are you embarrassing me? What did I do to you?" She said almost near to tears.
Why did you leave me Mr. Grant and allowed them to hire this sexy monster she thought.

She felt disgusted with herself for finding this man sexy but she couldn't lie to herself just because his personality was awful.

"Why are you so disruptive! always want to be the center of attention just because you are wearing slutty clothes?? And yes I said slutty because only a slut exposes so much at a school! A place meant for learning not for hooking up like I saw you doing in that hallway taking numbers after numbers.... Girls like you disgust me!!!" He encountered vigorously.

By this time the whole classroom was silent, if a pin fell you could hear it.

"Take up your things and follow me." He finished.


Hey!? Felt like writing something today....


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