3-A high-tech secret underground bunker? No, an old Post Office

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'It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.'
- JK Rowling



The silence that followed was impressive.

"My name is Pierre." He was tall, with greying hair and a harassed expression on his face. He wore what looked like a suit from the 21st century, which was a rather disturbing fashion choice, to be honest. He carried a small metal case.

"Um, I thought you weren't on our side." Maren said finally. "Aren't we supposed to be in some government run program?"

"It took us a long time to work out, but you have now been recruited by the resistance."

Oh. Those guys.

I should probably give a whole three hour lecture on the Third World War, the plagues, the American occupation of Europe, and the Euro-Oceanic peace treaty. That would really explain everything, but I just don't want to bore you all to death.

In a nutshell, there was a war ten years ago when all hell broke loose. Europe and America were on opposing sides, and came close to wiping each other out. One weapon used was a plague. They dropped it all over Europe and caused millions of deaths. And guess who had the cure.

At the end of the war, they gave us the cure that they had in case something went wrong and any of them were infected. What they didn't realise was that the original plague, which they had the cure for, was already mutating into something far deadlier than they could have imagined. No one knows why, but somehow coming into contact with us Europeans changed it into an even more effective killing machine. But, American scientists eventually made a cure for it, and when they occupied Europe, nearly everyone was given the cure.

The only problem is, there are still new strains of it breaking out today. Too many are dying and if we could only fight back, everything would be better. Fewer people dying, less general misery and we'd probably be a richer country. All would be well again.

I lost my aunt, uncle and two cousins to the X11 plague, back in 2497. Everyone knows someone who was killed by it.

Only, the government is so corrupt that they'd do anything, including sacrificing the whole of Europe, to make sure they kept their position. And there was always money being passed around. There were even rumours that the old governments from before the war were still alive and being brainwashed, but that was getting ridiculous. That was impossible.

On the streets there were constantly
whispers going around of a movement to bring down the government and attempt to take down America, so they no longer had power over us and destroy the plagues.

And now it was looking like we'd been recruited by them.

"Oh, now you want us?" Maren said scornfully. "We offered before. You think we're just going to agree on your terms?"

"You can go back to prison." he offered calmly. "We have enough people to ensure that your absence goes unnoticed and our leaders shall be none the wiser."

"So you're just going to force us to do whatever the hell you choose?" Cameron asked, sounding angry.

"I have a feeling you will agree with our ideas." he said, still calm.

"Well maybe we don't want to work with you?" Hacker joined in. "Maybe we'd prefer to just get out and go back to our lives before."

"Maybe that isn't an option." he replied, a hint of anger beginning to creep into his tone. "We are doing exactly what you were all doing."

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