I got over him,who am I kidding!

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Baekhyun's POV
Hi, my names Baekhyun, the eyeliner diva in Idol High! Recently I broke up with my boyfriend...gosh I sound like one of those girls in an anime!

Anyways after all the crying I went through and the comforting I received from my friends, I have finally got over Chanyeol! ...Or at least I think.

Three days ago Chanyeol broke up with me for Dara! Freaking DARA out of all people!(A/N: I got nothing against Dara, I'm a blackjack) Now people are going around spreading 'ChanDara' since it's not every day you hear a member of the school's popular girl gang, 2ne1, is dating the school's happy virus, who happens to be pretty popular in school himself. I still remember how it came to an end.

School had finally ended and I was on my way to meet my adorable big-eared boyfriend, Chanyeol! Earlier today he told me to meet him at the school's rose garden and mentioned he needed to tell me something important. But never did I expected this 'important thing' to be our breakup.

As I arrived at the gate entrance, I spot Chanyeol sitting on one of the benches. The old gated door let out a creak as I pushed it open making him glance up. He called me over. "Yeolie, what do you need to tell me?" I asked with a smile. Chanyeol just stared at me for a while with a blank look before it shifted to an apologetic one ."Yeolie?" I question, my smile dropping. All of a sudden he hugged me and started apologizing repeatedly. He stopped hugging me and looked me in the eyes, "Baek, I'm sorry...." I tilted my head and asked," What are you sorry for Yeolie, you haven't done anything wrong?" " Beak, I want to break up...I'm sorry it's not you, it's me, I love Dara," he said. Anguish rushed over me and I felt tears starting to build up in my eyes. "But since when Chanyeol, because you were never close with her?" I question. "We started hanging out more after we were paired up as partners in History class. We hit it off and I developed a crush on her but I knew it was not right because I had you. But I can't keep denying what I feel...I'm sorry," he stated.

I sniffed as I tried my best to stop the tears from falling. Why did he have to use that line everyone uses ' it's not you, it's me', why did this have to happen to us? I looked down feeling the tears slipping down my cheeks. Why? Why did he have to fall for Dara? Was I not enough to keep him happy? Questions filled my head and I couldn't let him see me in this weakened state. I turned about to run until he caught my arm and said," Let's at least be friends. I still care about you but I just fell out of love." I said," No, let's not. Trust me, it will be easier to get over you if we aren't friends." As I rushed out of the garden, tears slipped down my cheeks faster and I let out a sob.

End of flashback

Still, I don't see what he sees in Dara! Also no, I'm not jealous! I am totally over him and doing just fine, right!? Wait, why am I questioning myself! Argh!

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