Hogwarts Most Wanted - CHAPTER EIGHT

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Heyyyyyy guys I will talk to you later I just wanted to say HI!!!! :DDDDD ONTO THEEEEE CHAPTTTERRRRRR!!!!!



RECAP! Annie laughed at me softly as I accidently let out a moan. Never before had I moaned for a kiss. Never before had I moaned for any girl, but I couldn’t help it. “Now I really have to go.” I told him. “Same time tomorrow?” he asked me. I nodded and ran out of the closet down the hall.

That night, while eating dinner, I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander to the Gryffindor table. I watched awkwardly as George still had his arm wrapped around that girl. I focused back as Terence held my hand underneath the table.

I smiled at him and began digging into my food, keeping a close eye on the girl. As usual Yvain sat to my right and Draco across from me. Pansy dangled off his arm as she shot daggers at me. I wasn’t sure why….

Finally, I tuned back into the conversation.

“Can’t wait for Christmas! Mum’s planned something special for me she says.” Spoke Greg. That’s right…I hadn’t told him I wasn’t coming home yet…

“By the way Greg, I’m…a…not coming home for Christmas this year.” I told him nervously, gripping tightly onto Terence’s hand.

“Well…where are you stayin then?” He asked me.

“The uhhhh….Yvain’s!” I sent her a quick look, my eyes pleading for her to agree. Luckily she got the message.

“Yea…hope that’s ok.” She said quickly. Greg gave us a quick glance over before speaking.

“Shame, dad’s gonna go ballistic without his little toy there.” He started laughing as I tensed up and dropped Terence’s hand. “We were gonna have you all wrapped up for him, for his Christmas present!”

Suddenly I felt hot. My head was swirling with fear. But, as usual, I hid it away and continued to eat my food. Not hungry but trying to avoid suspicion.

The next day I visited Tomo. Professor Woods had told me to let him run free but he always knew when to come back. It was lunch so I expected no one to follow me. Suddenly Tomo appeared and sat on my lap. I stroked him gently as I sung him to sleep.

“Beautiful song.” Said a voice from behind me. I turned slowly, trying not to startle Tomo, and saw George standing above me. I smiled. Something I couldn’t control around him was smiling. He sat next to me on the thick limestone blocks and started patting Tomo as well.

“Thanks.” I muttered. Referring to his comment about the song.

“No problem, where’d you come up with it?” He whispered.

“I used to sing it to my self at night, at the Goyle’s. It would calm me after...ahhh...never mind.” I felt the tears start to well up in my eyes. George was about to ask me something before I heard someone screaming out ‘Georgie’.

As I looked up to see the source I blinked and two tears fell straight to the floor. George stood as the girl approached. She was tanned and her hair was a light brown. George’s award winning smile suddenly dropped as she linked her fingers with his.

At this my own smile dropped. By this time Tomo was awake and waddled around the limestone bricks before disappearing.

“Georgie, babe, we need to get back to class.” The girl snarled at me.

“Just one second!” he burst out.

“Fine make it snappy!!!!” She yelled back. Crossing her arms over her chest.

“Firstly, Annie this is Bree. Bree this is Annie.” I nodded gently towards her but she just scowled back. “Anyways…term ends this week; we need you to meet up so you can come over. Do you have your things?” I hadn’t thought about that before.

As another tear slipped I shook my head. He sighed. “Don’t worry, I’m sure Ginny or Hermione will have something that fits you.”

“Yea…but I am a bit of a stick, might be to big.” I smiled back. We stared at each other for seconds as Bree was stomping her foot impatiently.

I was surprised as the warm feeling of flesh wrapping itself around my hand.

George POV

I was so happy to see Annie on her own. Her skin complemented the snow perfectly. I was aware I was staring at her. It was obvious and truthfully I didn’t care what Bree thought.

“GEORGIE!!!!” Bree screamed.

“GO ON WITH OUT ME!!!! Bloody hell…” I muttered. As I turned around, back to the beautiful face of Annie, I felt myself shatter. Perfect I thought to myself.

“Weasley.” Greeted the Slytherin.

“Uhhhh…George this is Terence. Terence, George.” Annie whispered. Her beautiful face looking disappointed.

“As I said,” started ‘Terence’ “Weasley” He threw daggers at me with his eyes. I, being the nice person I am, threw them back, just as hard.

“Anyways…” I cut in, trying to ease the tension.

“Annie, Umbridge is looking for you.” He spoke.

“Um, ok…you coming?” She asked him begging with her eyes.

“I’ll be there soon.” He said. Annie started to walk away before he pulled her back. She had a puzzled expression on her face.

‘Terence’ smirked at me before he planted his filthy lips against hers. He parted them before speaking

“See you later Weasley.” I felt like stabbing him. I felt like cutting deeply into him and ripping him to pieces! I wanted that clot of filth to die!!! I watched jealously as they walked away. His arm wrapped around her waist.


Did you guys like it???? Hopefully you did!!!! Anyways!!! I have some info about the contest!!!

Firstly, I love ALL the titles given in so far butttttt no offense, I would like something more...cheeky and cute :D You guys have probably heard about the story Draco's Dirty Little Secret, and thats the kind of title I want. I ALSO have a sneek peak of the story :DDD Heres a few lines:

“Shut up Pansy! If you can’t see I’m busy!!!” Draco watched as small sparks of light lit up the dark depths of the lake beneath him. Pansy frowned dramatically as she saw the look of awe on his face.

“Draco? Do you find her sexy? Like, sexier than me?” She asked teasing him. Draco rolled his eyes as he knew he was going to be as straight forward as possible.

“Yes pansy I find her amazingly sexy! Much sexier than you!” He barked.

Hope you guys like it and I will need at LEAST 12 votes and 6 entries!!! SO HURRY UP!!!!! :DDDD



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