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Justins pov***

"Mr Bieber?" I stood up

"Is she okay?"

"Well she's alive but lost alot of blood she would be dead if you didn't cover it up" I nodded

"Can I see her?" He nodded I walked in and I seen her smile weakly I couldn't even look it's all my fault I shouldn't of left her there... On her own

"Hey" she whispered

"Hey I'm so sorry?"

"What for?" She asked

"It's all my fault... I shouldn't of ever left you there on your own-"

"Justin... You saved me! You can't blame this on you. I wouldn't be here if if it wasn't for you!" That made me feel better

"But still I hate seeing you unhappy!"

"Your making me unhappy saying its your fault justin please stop!" She whispered

"Okay I'm sorry" she smiled


"I love you" I said she looked at me and her eyes lit up

"I love you to Justin!" She smiled "and when you go on tour in coming with you!" She said


"Mmh" she said smiling I raised a eyebrow "I hope your not mad but I found a song book and I looked in it justin your really talented... Anyways I contacted my manger scooter and he said he'd like to sign you aswell!" My smile was huge

"You what!"

"I'm sorry" she said

"Sorry?!" She nodded "why this is the second best thing that's ever happened to me!" She looked at me confused

"What's your first then?" She asked confused

"You" she looked me in the eyes and kissed me

"I love you so much justin you understand me more than anyone. You've been with me through everything your the best thing that's ever happened to me and I hope we'll be together forever!" I smiled and kissed her hair "can I asked you something?"

"Sure baby anything?"

"What's a hot girl?" I looked T her confused

"Someone with blue eyes blonde her abit of a player and isn't good at anything" she looked down

"Oh... So I'm ugly?"

"You said describe a hit girl not a perfect girl" she smiled "why?"

"Because the man who shot me he said I was a ugly worthless piece of shit and it really hurt" a tear slipped her eyes

"Hey your amazing I've never net no one more perfect your good at everything, your stunning, you have a nice personality, you stick up for me and you've been hurt because of me! And I couldn't ask for anyone more perfect than you!" She looked at me

"Thank you justin" she hugged me and pecked my cheek"

"That's all I get?" I joked

"Later baby, the paps are taking pictures of us!" I looked and was blinded by a flash

"There annoying"

"You think I can't go anywhere! Once I was getting out the shower and it ended up on the news I was naked!" She said

"I like that picture" she hit me playfully

"You would your my biggest fan" I smiled and blushed I was so so obsessed with her! Now she's mine never say never...

The Boy I fell For(JustinBieber Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now