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Isabella's pov*

I woke up in a... Hospital? What happened? My baby! "Ah your awake!" A nurse came In

"Why am I here?" I asked

"You were beaten up and that person has been put in jail for about 5 years? No need to worry dear" I nodded and gulped

"M-my baby?" I chocked out

"He's fine" she smiled

"He?" She nodded

"Your having a baby boy your boyfriend was certainly pleased" I smiled

"Can I see him? My boyfriend?" She nodded and brought him in.

"I'm so so sorry this is all my fault!" Justin cried

"It's not! Don't blame yourself I'll get out of here in a couple of days and it will go back to normal" he smiled at my words

"I'm happy" I gave him a confused look he put his hand on my stomach "hey baby" my heart melted "I'm your daddy, I love you" he kissed my belly and my heart melted

"Justin?" He looked at me

"Yeah babe?"

"I'm scared" he gave me a confused look "what if I'm a terrible mom and out baby hates me"

"You'll never be a bad mom and the baby will never ever hate you I've seen how kids look at you and how you treat them... You'll be and amazing mom I promise" I smiled

"I love you" I said

"I love you too" I smiled again "what do you want as in baby?" He asked

"I'm not sure you?" He took a breath

"Well I want a boy first" I raised my eyebrow


"Because when we have another baby it can be a girl and our son can beat up any boy that breaks our little girls heart" my heart exploded and burst into butterflies "I'm so happy I was your fan" he laughed

"Fan? I was told you were obsessed!" He laughed and nodded

"Yeah my wall paper and password and I had a wall of you and everything" I laughed

"Yeah... That's stalker" I laughed he grinned and nodded

The Boy I fell For(JustinBieber Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now