A Cry For Help (Demi Lovato Fan Fiction)

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Part 1

I finally wake up and roll out of bed. It was 1 P.M. My throat still sore from throwing up last night. I drag myself over to my mirror to see if I look any thinner. Nope. Fat as ever.

My door slams open and my sister walks in.

"Get out!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, which hurt my throat even more. Even though she didn't listen.

"Are you excited to be meeting Demi today?!"

I grabbed my blanket and tangled myself up in it an sat down, "Yes! Of course!"

She smiled, "Well you might wanna start getting ready. You're leaving in 4 hours."

"Okay thanks." She left the room and shut the door. Clearly 7 year olds don't know what privacy is.. Oh well.

I got up and continued starring at myself in the mirror. I sighed as I walked into my bathroom. Then, I starred at myself in that mirror. Tugging at the fat on my stomach.

I slid the scale out from the drawer under my sink. Lightly placed my right foot, then my left on it. I patiently waited for the numbers to appear on the screen.

101 lbs

My doctor says I'm very underweight for my height. I'm 5'6. I'm suppose to weigh between 120 and 150 pounds. Which is crazy! My goal is 95 lbs and I won't stop till I get there!

Anyway, I hopped in the shower and washed up. I got out, slipped on a bra with cute matching underwear i got from Victoria's Secret. Then I brushed my teeth and blow dried my long brown hair. I shut the blow drier off and flicked my hair over my shoulders where it draped at my waist.

After that, I put on a pair of red skinnies and a baggy white pocket tee. I put a bit of mascara on and a nude lipstick. Then stared at myself.

"What if Demi thinks I'm ugly? What if she thinks I'm fat?" That's when I started to panic. I didn't wanna go anymore. But I knew I had to. My mom spent a lot of money on those meet and greet tickets. But I don't wanna go. I'm scared. What if she judges me? What if she laughs at me?" Tears started to fall from my face.

My sister walked in again and interrupted my thoughts, "Mom says you gotta take a taxi cause she's gotta go to work. So you might wanna head out now." I didn't wanna look at her. I didn't want her to see me crying.

"Uhh, are you okay?" She asked walking over to me.

I wiped my tears as fast as I could and turned to her, "Yes Beth, I'm fine. I'll be out in a minute."

She looked at me very confused and walked out. I fixed up my makeup and walked into the kitchen.

I found a note with 300 dollars next to it. The note said, "Have fun! xoxo -Mom" I took the money and tucked it in my bra. I yelled from the front door, "Bye Bethany!"

She echoed back, "Bye Abigail! Have fun!"

I stepped out onto the New York City streets and called a taxi. It pulled over and I hopped right in. The lady driving was about in her early thirties and had dark skin and dark hair and eyes to match.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

I whipped out the ticket to see the address.

"Oh my god! You're going to the Demi Lovato meet and greet?! Holy shit I am so jealous! I know where it is. Oh my god I love her!" I couldn't help but laugh.

We started driving towards the place while the lady kept telling me about how much she loved Demi.

"I love Demi too! She saved my life."

"What do you mean?"


"Come on tell me!"

"Well I uh, I... I struggle from an eating disorder. And self harm.. And Demi is such a strong person. I look up to her for her strength. And I hope to be just as strong as her one day."

"Well honey I believe in you. You can do it." She looked at me and smiled.

Nobody's ever said anything like that to me. I couldn't help but tear up. That's when I realized my eating disorder was something I needed to get over. And this stranger made me realize that.

"We're here!" She said.

"How much do I owe you?"

"Oh honey you don't owe me anything! I'll pay for your ride here and back as long as you get this singed for me."

She handed me the DEMI CD. I took it from her and smiled. "Oh course. Anything for you. Thank you so much." I slid the CD in my purse.

She gave a paper with her cell phone number on it and told me to call her when she needed to pick me up. Her name was Anne Dean.

"What's your name honey?" Anne Dean asked.


"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

She smiled. I smiled. "Well go on now, Demi's waiting for you!"

I opened the door and the line for the meet and greet went all the way to the end of the block. I was obviously late because I was the last in the line and nobody else came after me.

I waited in line for hours. Tired, sunburnt, and bored. All the excitement I had went away after about 2 hours passed by. I texted Anne Dean "Still in line!"

She replied a few minutes later. "Is this Abigail? You're really still in line? Must be a bunch of people there! Anyways don't forget to get my CD signed! Have fun!"

I thought it was weird how I had basically told my life story to a person I barely knew. I guess I really just needed to let it out. It's been bottled up inside me for so long. Anne Dean seemed like a nice lady though. I feel like a crazy person trusting her. What if she turns out to be a complete whack job? A stalker maybe? No. No.

The line kept moving a little at a time. As hours passed the sun went down and I came closer and closer to the door. The girl in front of me was absolutely gorgeous. With perfect tanned skin, big blue eyes, and wavy blonde hair. She turned around and said "Oh gosh! You're so skinny! You're beautiful! I wish I looked like you!"

I was confused. I wasn't skinny... Or beautiful... "Thank you."

Finally I made it to the door. I could see Demi. She had her hair down, blonde and wavy like usual. She was wearing black leggings with a graphic tee and a cute sweater over it. She's so much prettier in person.

The blonde girl in front of me hugged Demi, took a picture then left. Now it was my turn. I was so nervous. My heart was pounding so loud in my chest I could hear it.

Demi turned and looked at me. She gasped putting her hand to her mouth saying, "Holy shit you're so skinny..."

I stood there in complete silence.

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