A Cry For Help (Demi Lovato Fan Fiction Part3)

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Part 3

A few days have went by, Demi told me stories about rehab and how it really helped her and how she learned a lot from it. The only thing she didn't like was how they didn't cut you any slack there. She said that right when she got into treatment, they made her eat a huge meal. Which is a struggle for anyone who never ate before. She said she didn't want to force feed me, but she wanted to encourage me to eat as much as I could.

And that's what I did.

"What do you want for dinner?" Demi looked at me and smiled widely.

"Uh, how about.. Chinese food! I haven't eaten Chinese food in forever." I replied.

"Anything for you."

She walked over and sat on the little love seat in the corner of the tiny room, tapping the screen of her phone with her fingertips. I couldn't stop thinking about how much of a great person she is. Saving thousands of lives including mine. And holy shit she was so beautiful. Unbelievably attractive. I guess when I say I'm "lesbian for Demi" I truly mean it.

"Yes, that'll be all. Okay. Thank you." Demi said then ended the call.

"When will the food be here? I'm starving!" I wasn't really that hungry, but I knew that I needed to eat.

"About 20 minutes. And trust me girl I'm starving too!"

I walked over and sat next to her as she clicked on the tv and put on some music.

We stared talking a bit about our families and things when my phone started to ring. "Excuse me." I said to Demi as I got up and went into the other room.


"Thank The Lord you answered! Honey you scared me half to death! What happened to you now? Where are you? Are you safe?"

It was Anne Dean. I felt so bad for forgetting to call her and tell her what had happened.

"I was sittin' in that parking lot waitin' for you for hours worried sick!" Anne yelled.

"Oh my god Anne I'm so sorry! I totally forgot to call you! You're never going to believe this, but I'm with Demi right now..."

She cut me off, "Darlin' don't lie to me! Are you home?"

"No I'm serious! She said she wanted to help me. Help me recover. So I'm staying with her for awhile. I'll do anything to prove it to you!"

"Awe no honey I believe you. Just make sure you call me and keep in touch! And get me my CD signed!"

I laughed, "Of course, talk to you soon! Bye!" I hung up, thinking that Anne thinks I must be crazy telling her I'm with Demi, she definitely doesn't believe me.

I started to walk out the door as Demi started to walk in, I almost ran right into her. Our faces were inches away from each other and Demi was starring straight at my lips. She finally backed up and slowly said, "foods here." Then left for the kitchen.

What just happened? That was weird. It was like she wanted to kiss me or something. Is Demi bisexual? Maybe bi curious? No what am I thinking.

I went out into the kitchen and all I could smell was the strong scent of Chinese food. It smelled delicious. Demi sat scrolling through twitter waiting for me to sit down. She looked up from her phone and gave me a quick smile and started eating.

I pulled the chair out from under the table and sat down. I opened the whites styrofoam box and the smell of crab Rangoon's and orange chicken filled the air.

Wow this is a lot of food. I felt so confident about doing this before the food actually got here. I don't really wanna eat. But if I don't I'll be letting Demi down. More importantly i'll be letting myself down.

I ate anyway. I ate until I was full. I didn't over eat, I didn't under eat, I ate just the right amount for me. Im trying to ignore the fact that I just ate so much food compared to what I usually eat, but I'm actually proud of myself. Finally I felt as if I was getting better.

But there was something I was hiding from Demi. And I felt terrible for keeping it a secret. It's been eating at me ever since the beginning of the week when I got here. And the secret was that I self harm. I have scars traveling up my arms and legs. And being here has been the longest I've gone without cutting. I'm scared, but I'm going to have to tell her.

She came over and grabbed my food and put the left overs in the fridge along with hers. She grabbed my hand and dragged me into her bedroom to watch Juno with her. She laughed and payed attention the the movie while I sat wondering how to bring up my cutting. I'm just going to have to come out and say it.

"Demi I didn't know how to bring this up so I'm just going to say it.." She looked at me totally confused.

I sighed and said, "I don't only have and eating disorder... But I also struggle with self harm." I held back the tears that were about to burst out.

It felt good to get that off my chest but I am nervous to hear her response.

She looked me dead in the eyes like she was about to cry. Seeing her like that made me cry.

"Abby you're a strong girl. I'm going to help you get through this. I'm going to try so hard for everything to be better for you. Because you're a young, beautiful girl who has her entire life ahead of her and I want that life to be the best. Because you deserve the best."

She leaned in and hugged me tight. She laid her head on my shoulder. We were like that for a few minutes when she backed up and leaned back in to kiss me. On the lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2013 ⏰

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