Conversation started at 11:18 pm - January 24, 2015
brett: dude
my dad died.
whosurdaddy: stop joking around dude
brett: i wouldn't joke about this
my dad is dead
he's fucking dead, okay?
whosurdaddy: dude
i just
i don't know what to say
i'd say sorry but i know how much you'd hate that
just know i'm here for you okay?
brett: thanks
sorry, i'm just so pissed right now
i don't know at who
maybe at god, if he exists
maybe at my dad
maybe at myself
aaron's hysterical right now
he cries in his sleep
he really loved my dad, y'know?
i wish you had the chance to meet him in person
he was a great guy
whosurdaddy: god, i'm gonna sound like a total dick right now
call me out if this pisses you off
but how'd he die?
brett: you're right, that does piss me off.
whosurdaddy: shit, sorry
shit, sorry for apologizing
brett: relax, i'm just fucking with you
he got hit by a car
some dick was drunk off his ass and hit him
thank god the douche got arrested
whosurdaddy: good, fuck him
your dad was a great man, you hear?
i only met him a few times and, granted, it was over skype, but he was amazing
he was funny
and super nice
god dude
brett: will you come to the funeral?
whosurdaddy: really?
brett: yea
i know you live in virginia
and we're, like, 9 hours apart
you don't have to, of course
whosurdaddy: fuck dude
of course i'm coming
when is it? i'll start packing right now
brett: it's on the third of february
i can't thank you enough
you're fucking great, dude
whosurdaddy: of course
i know it's kind of a bad time
but you getting on today?
brett: fuck yea i'm getting on today
with a bottle of beer
after today i need some good alter ego
meet you in haven?
whosurdaddy: you know it
Conversation ended at 12:34 am - January 25, 2015