Letter Four

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Dear Ryland,

Ryland, is this your way of payback? Is this the worlds way of payback? Making me endure the pain you all had to feel when I faked my death? It's heartbreaking. Imagine walking through the desert, alone for weeks. You're almost dehydrated when you suddenly have all the water in to world you could drink. You gulp it down. Then you're vomiting from regret. Once you're hydrated, you're fine and you make your way home. Then the water is taken away. And you have to endure that feeling of dehydration again. But long after you're supposed to have died, you have to live through the pain of your throat as it burns, as you can barely breathe. That's the pain I feel. All of you had to feel it for a short while... How will it feel for eternity? How long will I survive feeling like this?



Merry Christmas Eve!! I hope you guys have a good Christmas! Tomorrow afternoon, I will post in my About Meh book, about what I got. But: It's not about the presents. It's about the family time and God's son's birth. Remember that as you're opening gifts in the morning. I love you guys. :* Merry Christmas.

~Rydel's Babe ❤

Dear Ryland (Triolgly to 'Dear Rocky') {Wattys 2016}Where stories live. Discover now