A Day of Rest

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As I approach the boat docks, I quickly eye the whole area over, still running, and still in a panic. Luckily, there seems to be no one here. I don't know how late it is, or how much time I have until daylight, but I think I have plenty of time. I'm not sure right now, though, because I lost total control back there and it was like I blacked out, but I was still conscious.

She completely took over me. It was all out of my hands, totally. She's insane, but even more so than I am. I enjoy what I do, but she completely lost it. I can't understand what just happened, but I also can't understand how a woman with a simple little garden spade could hollow out a large man's torso all the way through to the ground, hacking through bones of the rib cage and spine, in what seemed like a matter of minutes.

I quickly find my fallen tree and dig out my things. I sit the bag down at the waters edge and jump right into the lake, bloody clothing and all. The water is so cold it takes my breath away, but I continue. I strip all of the clothing off of me while I'm under water and swim back to the edge to dig out a deep, muddy hole at waterline to stuff the clothing and tools in. I hope it will stay buried in the lake long enough to decay away any evidence of me that it may contain. But I don't know how that works, really. I just don't have anywhere else to dispose of it.

I stand at the edge of the lake completely naked and freezing. I quickly fumble through the plastic bag, grabbing my clothes but I'm so cold, I can barely get dressed from shaking so much. Finally, I'm dressed. It's definitely time to get out of here. I start running back to the motel.

A bed never looked so good as the one in this crappy motel room looks right now. I fall to the mattress just as soon as I enter the room and lock the door.

I wake up sixteen hours later with a headache and starving. The last thing I want to do is go out anywhere right now. After what happened, I might better lay low. I call the front desk to ask if there was anywhere here that delivered breakfast and she says that they will be happy to send some breakfast to my room. I hadn't realized they had a kitchen here, or room service, for that matter. But that is perfect.

I take a shower and change before breakfast arrives, and just as I begin straightening up the place a bit, I smell my breakfast two seconds before the door knocks. I sit down with my tray, mouth watering as I lift the cover, and dive into a huge plate of bacon, sausage, biscuits, scrambled eggs, and home fries. Life is very good at the moment.

After breakfast, I finish cleaning up and lay back on the bed to watch television for a while. I'm stuck here, locked in, and trapped with myself and her, for the time being, although, she hasn't been stirring around in my mind yet to speak of. I just ignore the mirror, not wanting to catch a glimpse of her. I still can't believe she did what she did last night. But I'm not going to think about that right now, I sure don't want to awaken the beast anytime soon, because right now, I'm feeling blissfully calm. I slept wonderfully, without nightmares, I'm rested, and peaceful.

As soon as I find something good to watch, I begin hearing sirens. I can't help but wonder if they have found the body, which I'm sure the have. As I hear more and more sirens, I know without a doubt. I flip the channels to find the local news channels, but so far, no mention of a gruesome murder. It won't be long, though. I go back to what I was watching and try to stay calm. No need to worry. I did good cleaning up her mess. I'll be fine.

I never intended to fall asleep after sleeping so long to start with, but I did. It is now dark again and I have managed to sleep the day away. I look over at the alarm clock and it says it's just after eight.

I flip the channel back over to a local station, and now they are talking about it. It's made the local breaking news story. I feel a since of pride for some reason, even though this was her kill, not mine. She did it through me, though, so I feel that some of the credit is mine. Now I'm all wound up and excited as I listen to them talk about it. They haven't said anything yet about it possibly being linked to "The back alley butcher" murders, that much is good.

I'm definitely not going out now, but I'm hungry again and I'm in the mood for pizza. I call the pizza place to ask for a large pizza, bread sticks, and a two liter coke to be delivered. As I wait for the pizza guy, I watch some more news, while I get out my fingernail file to file down my nails. I have to make sure my fingernails are short and smooth at all times.

A knock at the door gets me excited. I can hardly wait for my pizza. I think I can eat the whole thing. I open the door and let the boy in. I grab some cash out of my purse with a nice tip included. Then, without reason or control over myself, I plunge the sharp, metal fingernail file into the boy's throat as deep as it would go. He begins to make gurgling noises as I grab the phone off the desk and smash his head with it. I use the phone cord to wrap around his neck and begin strangling him to death. He kicks around and even manages to punch me in the side of the head, but it only ignites the flames. I release my grip on the phone cord and continue using the phone to smash his head over and over until not only is he dead, but his skull has crumbled and I see his beaten, battered brain.

I drop the boy to the floor, along with the phone, as I try to make since of what just happened, but there is none. She's going to get us caught. She has just killed a boy, no more than seventeen years old, in my motel room. Damn her! I've got to get out of here, and fast.

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