Chapter #3-Cry Me A River

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Christina POV

I walked home that afternoon because Darren said something just popped up. But he said he would call me later. I thought back to Harry as I walked wondering what he could be doing right now. I also let my thoughts wonder as to why he left so abruptly when Brit the bitch came over if they are together.

He must not like her as much as she thinks he does. He probably sees through her facade like I do. I thought i was the only one.

When I finally make it home, I walk into the house to find all the lights off, but music traveling from upstairs.

When I was younger I never knew that when my parents played music and the lights were off it meant that they were doing "adult things" but now that I'm older and I understand I went straight back out the front door.

I sat on the front step trying to think of something else to do and forcing myself not to think of what is going on in my parents room.

I take out my phone and call Kevin. He answers on the second ring.

"Hello. I just want you to know you have the best timing. Leo and I were just about to get into it when you called how wonderful." Sarcasm dripping from every word.

"Well, excuse me, is everybody out I know having sex at this moment? First my parents and now you." I say.

"Wait. Your parents are having sex? Eww. Way to kill my boner. So what are you going to do now? I'm sure you don't want to be in the house while your parents are having sex."

"I called to see if you wanted to do something, but it seems to me like you are in the middle of something. Maybe I'll just do a surprise visit on Darren. He should be home by now, right?" I asked.

I heard Kevin moan into the phone. I moved the phone from my ear. I did not ever want to hear that in my life. I placed the phone back to my ear.

"Yea, mmmmmm, yea. You go do that. I'll call you back,ummmmm yes Leo, I'll call you back later. I need to go water" There was a long breathy pause. "My mom."

"Yeah, sure. You go do that. Bye Kevin. Tell Leo I said bye." With that I hung the phone not wanting to hear my best friends have sex.

I arrived at Darren's house in no time. I grabbed the spare key from inside the fake tree pot, where they always keep it, and let myself in.

All the lights were on so I dropped my bag at the door and took off my shoes. I quietly made my way up the stairs so that I could really surprise Darren.

The surprise was really on me. When I opened the door I saw Darren on his bed having sex with some red haired girl that looks familiar.

"What the absolute fuck is going on!?" I said startling both of them. Darren fall to the floor while the girl covered herself.

"Oh, by all means continue. Just pretend I wasn't even fucking here." I screamed at the two. Neither one said a word, so I continue screaming at them.

"Darren, you are a lying piece of worthless shit. I hope you get herpes and your dick falls off. I hope you break your leg and fall into a pool of acid. I hope nothing good ever happens in your life because the best thing you will ever have is walking out the door today." I scream to the top of my lungs. Then i turn my attention to the girl.

"Listen little bitch, you can have him. I don't even want him anymore. So fuck you, stupid slut. Choke on a dick and die."

"Christina, let me explain." Darren finally decides to speak but it's too late I'm already done with him.

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