Chapter #4- I Can't

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(That's what Harry and the boys looks like in this story. So cute with his long hair. )

Harry P.O.V.

She was staring. Staring at me. Christina was staring at me when she said wow. I just can't bring myself to think she was talking about me.

How could somebody so beautiful be wowed by me. I'm so plain. I blend in with everybody around me. The only difference in my hair,which I've let grow a bit too long. Okay, a lot longer than a boy should have, but so what. The girls love it.

As I make my way to my locker.
I see my friends all waiting for me there. I approach with a smile.

These were my first and only true friends when I came over from the UK. We connected on the fact that we were all from the same place and we've been joined at the hip ever since.

When I get to my friends I go around hugging every single on of them.

First Niall, a pale, bleach blond leprechaun with a fetish for food. Then Liam, a well build brunette that always acts like he's the father to the rest of us lads. Next Zayn, a raven haired, quiet fellow who's very sassy but you wouldn't catch it until later on. Then lastly, Louis, he's my best friend. A short brown haired boy with very blue eyes.

I put my books in my locker and turn to my friends.

"Lads, she talks to me again. She was sad today in class and I made her smile and laugh. Can you believe it? She talked to me and I made her laugh." I say to them dreamily.

"Oh God here we go again with 'Christina'. Honestly, Hazza, I have heard enough about her to know every detail of her life and I haven't even spoken to the girl." Louis said.

"Well you'll meet her one day when I finally get her to be mine."

"You've been saying that for three years. This is the first time you've actually interacted with her." Liam says.

"Oi, is this 'gang up on Harry day'? Let me take my time. I have it all planned out. Just wait, I'll have her."

"You've been saying that for three years." They all say in unison.

"Well fuck you guys. I have to go to class." I huff out as I leave my friends.

Yes, I've been planning on making a love on Christina for three years. But girls like Christina are meant to be worshipped, waited on hand and foot, taken proper care of. If I come off to strong she'll end up backing away from me and I don't want that.

At lunch, I realize my lunch was left on the counter at home. I have to settle on buying my lunch from the school.

Don't get me wrong. The lunch here isn't bad but I like making my own food and enjoying the product of my work, as lame as that sounds.

Walking into the lunchroom, my eyes automatically go to Christina. She doesn't look happy.  She's not talking to any of her friends or eating her lunch. She's just sitting there. Staring off into space, but her friends are so consumed in each other that they don't realize she's not with us. That's she's drifted off into whatever has gotten her so down and depressed that she has lost that sparkle in her eye.

I muster up as much confidence as I can and begin to walk over to Christina's table. Right when I was about three steps away from her, Brit cuts in front of me. So suddenly that I almost knock her over. After making sure she was balanced enough to stand on her own she speaks.

"Harry, did you come in the lunchroom just to sit with me? Oh how sweet. Usually you sit in the journalism room with your strange friends for lunch and I'm with my friends but we can make room for you." Dragging me away from my original target. She was speaking so sickeningly sweet that it made my stomach turn.

Months ago, I use to love this Brit. The one that was so bubbly and free flowing, but now that she has shown her true colors, I won't be falling for this act again.

"Actually, I only came in here because I left my lunch at home and I just wanted to see if Christina was ok. She looked at little sad."

Brit scoffed then turned with her arms folded over her chest. Oh no, I know what's coming next.

"Really, Harry? You thinking about cheating on me with her too? Were all those other girls not good enough? Now you want Christina? I thought you were done with this, Harry. I thought we moved on passed your cheating and you were going to be faithful this time."
I took a deep calming breath before speaking because I knew she was right about the unfaithful part. I've been emotionally cheating on her since the beginning. My heart has always belonged to Christina but Brit was just a distraction and now she's an annoyance.

"She's just a friend. She has a boyfriend anyway and I was just making sure she was fine. I wasn't about to go make out with her or anything. Jeez, calm down and stop being so insecure all the time." I looked her up and down before going against my better judgement. I pulled her into a hug then kissed her on the lips.

Christina's kisses would be so much better. Her hugs would be so much more warming. She was just be so much better in everyway.

"I'm yours. You know it, I know it, she knows it, everyone does. So calm down and let everything be." I said with a forced smile that I've learned to perfect being with Brit.

She smiled dreamily and just nodded.  Jeez you would think it was a full on snog the way she smiled.  I turn around to go to Christina, but she was gone already.  Damn it, Brit. She ruined my chances like she always does.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2016 ⏰

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