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I wiped my eyes groggily, and swung my legs over the side of my bed. I ran a hand through my tangled hair and sighed deeply.
I grabbed some clean clothes from my closet and headed down the small hallway towards the bathroom so I could rid my body of the horrid stench of sweat and dirt from yesterday. I cracked the door open and closed it quietly behind me, locking it carefully.
I stripped down and started the shower, feeling the water until it was scorching hot. I hopped in, shivering at the hot feeling running over my skin.
I started humming quietly a tune that I made up myself, as I scrubbed my body.

I wrapped the towel around my fragile body, drying myself off. I picked up my clothes off of the floor and slid them over my body, wincing when my skinny jeans tugged at my wounds on my thighs. I wiped the steam off of the mirror and gave myself a weak smile, taking a brush to my hair and running through it. I took out my eyeliner and lined my empty eyes, making me look sadder than I was. I applied some mascara to my long, thick eyelashes and opened the bathroom door making my way back to my room.
I threw my dirty clothes in a pile in the corner of my room, and grabbed my bag from beside my desk.
I sprinted down the stairs, sneaking through the living room, to see my father passed out on the couch.
I walked into the kitchen and looked through the fridge, as my stomach rumbled restlessly. I found nothing, yet again, so I ignored the pain of my stomach and checked the clock above the stove. Crap, I'm late.
I ran out the door slamming it behind me, and whipped open my car door, starting it up and backing it out of the drive without a second look.
Driving like a bat out of Hell, I parked in the same spot I did for the past couple months. I rushed out of the car, and ran towards the entrance.

I raced towards my locker, bumping into various jocks and bimbos. All I got in return were some glares and tasteful words. I ignored them as I reached my locker and spun the dial on my lock, pulling it off and grabbing the books I need for first period.
The warning bell went over head, and I sighed before taking off down the hall towards the chemistry lab.
I ripped the door practically off its hinges, and ran to my seat. I made it just before the morning announcements started.
After listening to our principal drone on about pointless meatheads and their accomplishments at sport games, I looked up at the teacher, waiting for the teacher to do role call.
As he went down the list painfully slow, finally making it to my name, I raised my hand meekly.
Mrs. Pillier nodded in my direction, looking back down at her list. At this opportunity, I slipped my  iPod nano out of my bag, plugging in my headphones, and putting them in my ears while putting my hood up over my head.
Andy Biersack's voice blew through the speakers, making me close my eyes and smile.
I zoned out of the rant that was happening in the front of the classroom, slowly making me fall asleep.

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