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    On one fine afternoon in the tolegplace Prim was trotting along the street gazing into the forest longing to be free. Suddenly, there was a yowl from the forest. Prim shuddered. She ran inside quickly not wanting to find out where the noise came from.

After about a hour or two, Prim wandered outside eager to find out what happened. She stepped into the forest amazed at how many trees there were. "Who are you?", said a voice. Prim quivered. She turned around to find a tom two times her size." Hello", she meowed. "Who are you?", he asked.
    "Don't worry, I won't hurt you"

  She eased closer to him. "I'm Bonepaw.", he said sounding friendlier than before. "You seem to have the guts of a warrior. I like that in a cat. Would you like to join Frostclan ?", he asked. Prim didn't know what to do. Her mother always told her to stay away from the clan cats, but this might be her one chance of freedom.

   "I would love to!", she exclaimed.
    "Great! You'll love the clan life. The first thing I need to tell you about is the warrior code. You must always follow it. Camp's not too far away from here.", he exclaimed excitedly.

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