First Day ( For Becca)

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   Today was the day usually most kids dread, including me.

  It's the first day of school.

  Honestly, why do we need school anyway? A lot of the stuff we learn is not going to be used when we get older. Are we going to need gym classes when I become a nurse? No. Will I need math to be a Reading teacher? No. But sadly the law is making me go, so I have no say in the matter.

  " Becca, get ready for school!" Mom shouts from downstairs.

   " Don't remind me." I grumble.

  I ended up putting on a pretty normal ' back to school' look. I ate my breakfast and got my things packed, then I followed mom out the door. As I was just sitting in the car minding my own business and drowning out the constant questions of school from my mother, next thing I know, the car is parked. I look to see I had made it to school.

   Checking to see if I know anyone, I see my friend Landrie out the window.

   " Bye Mom!" I quickly say getting out of the car, not waiting to hear her reply.

   Landrie and I were making small talk when I noticed a tall lean guy with dark brown shaggy hair, and piercing blue eyes that could make your heart melt.

  " Ooo! I can tell you've got it bad! I bet you'll fall for him!" Landrie teases.

  " Haha you're on. But he's only a stranger!" I smack her arm and laugh, and we headed into school for the first day.
(Weeks, months)

Turns out , the guy I was " crushing" on turns out to be in some of my classes, and his name is Hayes. Yeah, he's the most popular and likeable guy in school, yet he choses to be my friend.

But I like him a bit more than that.

  " Hey Becca." He smiles as we sit down for lunch.

  " Hey!" I kindly reply.

  Hayes starts to talk, and I can't help but to get so lost in his big blue beautiful eyes. All different shades of blue, it felt like I was swimming in them.I also kind of didn't listen to what he was talking about.

  " So do you think she would?" Hayes asks me hopefully?

  What should I do? What should I say? I don't want to say no!

  " I believe she would say yes. She would be a fool if she didn't." It's a bit painful to say that, but I try to hide it as best I can. Whatever to make my friend happy.

  " Okay, I'm going to ask her. "

  My friend will be happy, calm down Becca.

  Hayes taps me on the shoulder, and says " Can you video me asking her?"

  " Sure."

" Thanks Becca, you're the best."

  He hands me his camera and I'm trying to get it working. When I finally do, I look up to see Hayes gone. I feel a tap on my shoulder, and turn around. There Hayes is, with a kid behind him videoing all of this.

  " Becca, will you go out with me?"

  Even though the bet Landrie and I made was fake, she won the bet. And I am so glad I lost.


Here ya go!


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