Not just another fan ( For Dreamer=)

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     All the adrenaline I had from preforming is slowly diminishing as I walk off stage waving to my adoring fans. My makeup and hair all messed up from sweating under those big heavy lights and my throat sore from singing so much and trying to breathe at the same time, I realize it was all worth it.

Tonight is the last night of JingleBash, where multitudes of amazing various artists get to tour the country and meet our crazy yet loving fans, and we get to do what we love. Some of these artists started from nothing to something, like Beyoncé, One Direction, myself, and Shawn Mendes.

Over the time I've spent with the various artists on this tour, I've had a blast. Nothing but smiles and laughs. I've grown quite close with a lot of artists, like 1D and Shawn. And I wouldn't trade our relationship for the world. Just like how I wouldn't trade my fans for the world.

I'm unhooking my mic off stage when I'm tapped on the shoulder by a young girl, and as I turn to look at her I'm greeted by a Shawn look-alike. Same light brown hair, round face, and pretty light eyes. Yep, this has got to be his sister. And to affirm my inference I look down to see her wearing some of his merchandise.

" Hey I'm Aaliyah, Shawn's sister. I've heard nothing but good things about you from Shawn since he said you two were close," Her words start speeding out her mouth as she counts on her fingers and listing things.

"And I'm also a fan of your music and I follow you on Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr. You're life just seems so great oh my-"

I softly put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down, I barely understood what she just said. Heck I don't even think what she was speaking was English, and I'm pretty sure it was fangirl. It's the only language ever spoken these days really. What I could comprehend were the words I heard were " I", " Shawn" , " You"; and " Fan". I'm most likely choosing bits and pieces of what I wanna hear from her rapid speaking, but who knows.

As she takes a couple breathes and her breathing steadies, she motions for me to come down to her level and she giggles and whispers, " I'm not the only one who's a fan of you either." She points her finger in a direction and when I look up I noticed she was pointing at Shawn, who has his guitar in hand and is rapidly walking this way with a sheepish look on his face.

He smiles bash fully at me and pulls Aaliyah back a little too sternly, and I can hear her mutter an audible 'oww'.

  " You were great out there tonight. As usual."

  " Thanks, and so are you. You never fail to make those girls swoon."

  " Yeah, I guess so. But I don't want them to swoon over me, I wish one particular girl did."

  " What's her name? What does she look like?"

" I won't say, I don't want word leaking out yet. And she's an overall perfect person, the definition of perfect actually."

  " No one is perfect, Shawn."

  " In my eyes she is."

    It's hard looking Shawn directly in the face since it's so dark, but as a light was turned on I can see his beautiful face, his hair perfectly quiffed, his big light brown eyes gleaming with happiness. Looking absolutely handsome and perfect in just a t-shirt and jeans. And don't get me started on his angelic voice, his perfect teeth...

" Let me tell you something about her though. She's here tonight, she's got beautiful dark hair, enchanting eyes that when I look at her, I can't help but to get lost in them. I've gotten so close to her too in such a small matter of time, and," Shawn starts fiddling with his guitar, plucking a few strings as if he's figuring out a new tune.

" It's you."

Going back to plucking again, he feels more confident with his notes, and just by the first couple cords I know what it is. He closes his eyes and focuses on his playing, just as he would if he was on stage. That angelic voice he has then started to fill up the room.

"You're all I think about when I'm awake

Part of every night and every day

And everything's a mess when you're away "

  His angelic voice fills the room and he changes the song he's playing.

   "Maybe I'm just a kid in love maybe I'm just a kid in love"

   Strumming the final cords and looking at me for my reaction, I run into his arms and squeeze him as tight as I can, and him returning the gesture by pulling me close, having a grip like he doesn't wanna let me go. I kiss his cheek and look into his eyes as he intwines my small hand in his big one.

  With goofy grins on our faces we walk off  to the green room, and we're suddenly stopped by Aaliyah stopping in front of us with her hands sassily on her hips with a sucker in her mouth. She takes it out and wags it at us.

  " I so called it."

We look at each other and laugh as she struts away, we can't believe we didn't know where she was, I guess we kinda got in the moment. And I'm glad we did. I just gained another fan, my biggest fan of all.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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