Part 2: Meeting Mate

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Six months ago...

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you." I heard my family sang as I got out of the bed.

"Happy birthday, Baby!" My mom said in a singsong voice. Greeting followed as my brother and father greeted me as well.

"Sixteen now huh?" my brother uttered. "Guess, we'll be meeting your mate anytime soon, right babe?"

"Beta! I gasped then blushed. Yup! That's right! My brother is the Beta of our pack and I called him that to tease him.

"Babe!" he glared at me. He doesn't like me calling him that.

"Oww.C'mon Beta. I know you know you love me."

"I love you!" and he walked to hug me. I turned before he could reach me. I swear, he gives a "great" hug.

"Time for school!" I said before running to the kitchen.

I took my seat and devoured my meal. What? I am hungry. I am a growing wolf!

I looked at Beta as he got inside the kitchen. He was frowning. "What?" I asked.

"You ran away!" he said pouting. "You don't like my hug?"

I laughed at him. "Yes!" He glared at me before going to him and hugging him. "Thank you for being there for me always!" I whispered to him. His looks softened.

"Always, Babe! Always."

"Happy birthday, Bestie!" Rose met me with a big hug. "Here is my present for you!" she excitedly said as she handed me a small box.

"Oh, best, you know you don't have to."

"I know but I want to. Open it!" she ordered.

I opened the box and saw a beautiful charm bracelet. It has pearls of different color and charms like the shape of a wolf, heart, a stick, a sun and a moon.

"It's beautiful! I exclaimed hugging her. "Thank you!"

"Wear it always. It will protect you!" I nodded. We happily skipped towards our class.

The day goes by so fast, so fast that it was already time to go.

Reaching the parking lot, I waited for my brother by his car.

"Brie!" I turned to see my other best friend, Caleb, our pack's third-in-command and my cousin as well.

"Cale! Where have you been for the last few days?"I hugged him. "It's been so long since I have seen you!" I asked him though I know where he's been.

He smiled at me.

"Think I would forget my best friend's sixteenth birthday? Of course not!" He said as he took something out from his pocket.

"It's beautiful!"I said as he handed me a silver necklace with a white wolf locket.

"I know it will look good on you! Gosh! I can't imagine how time flies so fast." Shaking his head, he put his arm on my shoulder. "And tomorrow, you are going to shift! Are you excited?"

I frowned at him. "Cale!"

"Oh yeah!" he said as he hit his forehead. "I forgot. Sorry!" he grinned.

I smiled. "That's okay!" We talked more before we saw Beta coming toward us.

"Hey, man!" He greeted Caleb as he reached us. "How's your trip?

"It was good man!"

"Guys, let's go home!" I shouted towards the two.

"Oh yeah!" he said as he opened his car. "By the way, Cale, there's a party tonight and everyone's invited!"

"You mean including the Alpha?" I butt in their conversation.


"But-but-," I tried to protest.

"No buts!" he said with finality in his voice.

I sighed and stayed quiet in the entire trip.


It's late at night and the party is still on fire! I got in and out of sleep since I got in my room early that night.

Feeling thirsty, I went down to the kitchen to drink. The scent of alcohol and cigarette irritated my nose as I stepped down the stairs. Good thing there are no drugs.

I screamed when I saw two naked bodies on the floor near the kitchen door.

"Oh God, let me see nobody inside!" I uttered a prayer as I stepped into the kitchen.

My heart jumped when I saw no one inside. I hurriedly took a glass of water and drank it. Filling my glass, I decided to go back to my room.

"Wait!" I heard my wolf spoke.

"Oh, well, hello Danielle!" I greeted her. "How can I help?" I asked her as I continue walking.

"Our mate's here!" she said excitedly. "Smell that?"

I inhaled and indeed, the scent of pine and mint. "Follow it!"

I don't need to be instructed. I slowly walked out of the kitchen and followed the scent of my mate.

"Holy crap!" I cussed. "Of all the people, why does it have to be you!" I screamed in my mind.

Who would like to have a jerk, player and a pain as a mate? Why does it have to be the next alpha! And worst? He is on top of a naked girl. Crap!

"Let's go!" my wolf said but I can't move.

And as if he felt someone's looking at him, he stopped and started to look around. Before he could see me, I ran back to my room and cried.

I have a player and jerk alpha as a mate! What could be worst? 

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