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Ok so I hope that people are enjoying my story and at the end of this story, I have a surprise. But you have to wait and see. Anyways enjoy :)


~~~~~1:00 AM- The Hospital~~~~~

Maddie's P.O.V

Liam holds my hand as we walk into the hospital to identify a guy who may or may not be Louis. The guy was hit by a truck. I really hope that it isn't him.

We walk to the check-in desk and Zayn asks the lady what room. The boys and I follow him to the elevator and we go up 5 floors to the ICU.

Harry walks ahead of us and we walk into the room. A man with all sort of tubes and wires attached to him sits in the bed. I walk ahead of the boys and run to the bed. Tears fill my eyes as I imagine and consider the fact that this bloody, mangled man may be Louis.

"L...Louis?" I ask.

The man slightly opens his eyes. His right eye is swollen and his face is red, stained with blood. You can almost see his veins on his arms and his left leg is in a cast. He has stitches on his forehead, meaning they operated on him.

The man reaches up to me slowly and caresses my cheek.

"G...Goodbye. Brown....e....eyes." He manages to whisper out.

I cry uncontrollably as I finally know that this man who is hanging onto his life is Louis. I hear Niall break down once more. The other boys sniffle and try to hold in their tears.

Harry walks over to the bed and takes Louis hand.

"Oh Lou.....how did this happen?!"

"I...I was running...a...and....lights.....blood.....a scream...." He goes unconscious.......His heart monitor isn't beeping anymore.

"No! Louis! Please don't die! Please!" I cry out as I realize that his heart has stopped beating.

Zayn rushes to go find a doctor and Niall faints....again. Harry rushes after Zayn and Liam just stands there.....petrified.

Zayn and Harry return with a doctor and a nurse.

"Ok we have to try and revive him. All of you out of the room!!" The doctor says.

"No! I'm not leaving him! Please Louis wake up! This is just a joke! Please! WAKE UP!" I cry and scream.

Liam walks over to me and grabs me by my waist. He drags me out of the room and I watch Louis, lifeless as Harry drags Niall out and Zayn closes the door.

I hear the doctor say 'clear' every one in a while and a zapping sound. I cry into Liam's chest. A few minutes pass by in silence. The door opens.

The doctor walks out slowly with a depressed look on his face. A look of grief.

" I did all I could.... But it wasn't enough." He walks away slowly.

I cry harder than I ever have before.

"Louis No!!! Please!! He's not dead! He can't be!" My muffled cries continue as we all let the fact that Louis is dead sink in. He was fine just a few minutes ago. And then....poof. He was taken away from us in less than a minute.

~~~~~~~~~ 10 minutes later ~~~~~

We all cry our hearts out, grieving over the loss. The door opens again and the nurse walks out with a smile on her face.

"Oh don't listen to that fuddy duddy of a doctor. He likes messing with people. Louis fine. The doc was just joking." She walks away, leaving the door open. I lift my head from Liam's chest and look through the door. Sure enough, Louis' heart monitor was beeping again and he was slowly trying to sit up.

"Louis! Your ok!" I say as I rush over to him and plant a soft kiss on his cheek. He hisses in pain, but quickly gets over it.

"Yea. I a...am. Sorta. I was r...running and then I say i...in the middle of t..the road. The truck rammed i...into me." He stutters out.

That doctor was a complete *ss. What kind of sick person jokes about someone dying. Ugh! I'm p*ssed off.

I'm glad that the boys have stopped pitying me and I'm also glad that we found Louis. I'm just heartbroken about how mangled up he is.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 hours later ~~~~~

Maddie's P.O.V

~~~~~ Nightmare ~~~~~

"Hello. You see my cat has seemed to run away and I've been going around the neighborhood asking for help. Are your parents home?" The man asks.

"Yes they are."

I turn around to call my parents. I'm stunned when I find myself on the ground.

"Don't. Say. Anything." The same man looks down at me, this time with a knife.

I sit, petrified, as I watch him barge into the house. I look out the door to see another man pop out of the bushes and barge in as well, closing the door and locking it tight.

He looks down at me. He kneels and caresses my cheek.

"Me and you are gonna have some fun later."

He pulls me by the throat and begins kissing my neck. I start to scream and tell him to stop.

"Stop! Don't touch me! Stop! STOP!" I scream and cry. It feel like it goes on forever.

The man stops......and reaches for his gun. I scream bloody murder.

~~~~~~~End Of Nightmare ~~~~~

"Wake up! Maddie wake up! Your going to wake Louis!"

I wake up to find Zayn shaking me. I'm sweating and I feel tears on my cheeks. The other boys are gathered around me. Louis is fast asleep on his bed.

I breath heavily. My nightmare was a horrifying flashback of what happened that night. The night my parents and brother were murdered. Well actually....I don't exactly know if Jacob was killed when they slit his throat. I saw him faintly breathing when they dragged his body out the door. Of course, I know that he's dead now. They wouldn't have let him live.

"What were you dreaming about? Who was touching you?" Niall's voice snaps me back into reality.

"I...it was him. The m..man......Oh My Gosh.....it was him.....the man who....." I say, shaking. My tears have dried an I'm more scared then upset.

I start to realize where I knew him from. It's impossible. How did he find me? I was taken out of state so they specifically couldn't. Why? How?

"W...what happened?" We all turn to face Louis who has woken up and apparently heard me crying.

"Louis please don't worry about this right now. You need rest." Harry says.

"Go back to sleep. You get released in a little while." Liam says to Lou.

Louis slides back down into bed and goes back to sleep. The boys turn to face me an wait for me to say something.

"J..just forget about it.....it's not important."

The boys, obviously tired of dealing with my problems, simply dismiss the topic and focus of Louis. I listen to them plan how they're going to get Louis home and taking are of him. The conversation itself is boring and I find myself slipping back to sleep.


Yea so super excited to write the final chapter of this "book". But I'm not done yet. There's still a few more chapters until the finale/ cliffhanger! XD

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