Zebediah Kilgrave.

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She was simply doing her job. A simple 25-years-old bar tender living in New York City, nothing unordinary to see.

But she's got secrets, one of them is an incredible secret. She's an extraordinary girl. She's one of 'them'. She's one of 'those freaks'. That's how people usually name 'them'...

That night at the club, one man walked in. He was skinny, tall, young, very handsome, a little bit foxy and with a lovely smile.

"Hello," he said. He sounded British, *beautiful accent* she thought. "I've got no money... Invite me a drink, please".

She didn't know why, but she replied "Yes, sure" And later asked "Which one?."

Why would she do that? Well, this man was one of 'them' too. A Mind Controller. *Amazing*, she told herself deep inside her own mind; although he was doing what he pleased with her.

The man grinned "Which one's your favorite, darling?." He asked.

"Cuba Libre" She replied.

"Alright! That sounds exotic, doesn't it? Yeah! Give me one of those!." He said smiling, he seemed to be on a very good mood.

She prepared that Cuban drink for him with Ice, Rum, Coca-Cola and just to add her favorite touch: a few drops of lemon. But it wasn't because she wanted to do it, it was him. He made her do it, and that was a bit creepy.

She gave the drink to him, he grabbed the glass and tasted it. Apparently, he liked it. Then he looked at her and said "Please, smile for me". Like a puppet, she did what he asked. "You're beautiful... No, Gorgeous! That's what you are! Now, tell your name."

"Lucy Blackstone" She replied immediately, still smiling. That wasn't her name, she didn't know her real name... but, he asked for a name, and that was the name she usually went by.

"Lucy Blackstone... come with me." He commanded.

She did what he said. Although, this time, she wanted to. She would rather do anything but keep working there...

He took her outside the club. "Are you hungry? Tell me the truth." He said.

"No, I've already eaten..." She replied with the truth, as she was told to. "... And you?..." She asked, but it was because she wanted.

He looked at her a bit surprised, it was the first time someone asked him something like that. Who would care about a manipulator? The answer is, of course, Lucy Blackstone.

"W-why you ask?..." he stuttered, stunned.

"Cause maybe you haven't eaten anything yet." She replied with a smile, but all that was on her own will.

He smiled. For the first time in his life, Kilgrave felt someone cared about him, just a little bit.

"No, it's fine. I've already eaten too... Do you want to come with me? Again, tell me the truth." He ordered, looking at her, right into her eyes.

"Yes, but first, tell me your name..."

"Zebediah Kilgrave."

She laughed a bit. "If you're going to keep controlling me, at least give me some honesty..."

"Oi! It's true, that's my name!." He said again. But Lucy was smart, she was a Mind Reader.

She read his real name: Kevin Thompson.
She was reading everything, every single thought that passed through that head. But she also knew that, if he found out about her abilities, he would use them for... Who knows?...

She read 'Kilgrave' like a book, and realized how dangerous he was.

He, literally, couldn't see the difference between good and bad, kind and cruel, merciful and evilness... no one ever taught him, no one ever cared what he felt like in all his 27 years... It was a lonely mind to read. A mind filled with pain, suffering and the desire of replacing all those feelings with sex, money, power and even murderers (or in other words: "inducted suicides").

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