Asking Is Still Allowed.

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It's been some time since a Mind Reader and a Mind Controller met. They've been together all this time.

She doesn't need to ask anything about him, she reads him like a book. She thinks that no one can hide a secret from her.
While, on the other hand, he only needs to ask for the truth.


It was their first month anniversary, she proposed her favorite restaurant.
It became his favorite restaurant later too... but that night wasn't so great as they expected:

"You know my name, it's time for me to know yours, Blackstone..." He demanded, in the middle of the restaurant, grabbing her by her arm. Every single soul at the restaurant were ordered to: 'Shut up! Don't talk, don't touch, don't even look at the girl in the long purple dress!' after a waiter gave a look at her butt, and of course the waiter stabbed his hand with a pen after that.

Kilgrave was a complicated man with a really bad temper, the kind of guy who always got mad very easily...
The discussion began when the name 'Kevin' came out of her lips again.

"Let go-" She tried to escape from him.

"I will, as soon as you tell me your real name." Kilgrave interrupted her, trying his best to be nice to her. But it was obvious for him that the only way to know her name was forcing her to speak; considering that it's been a month since they were together... "You will tell me your real name, now." He ordered.

"F... that's all I know... it probably starts with F." She replied, against her will.

"Tell me the truth." He said. "Why you don't know your own name?."

"Mutant 983, that's how they used to call me since I've got memory. I was 12 years old when I escaped from Area Delta, in Cuba. I can't remember anything... just some experiments, a explosion, the number they gave me, my age and the name of the place..." She confessed. "All I remember is that my expedient was in the F's section... still don't know if it's my name or my surname the one which starts with F. Well, I don't even know if what I remember is one hundred percent truth..." Kilgrave was shocked, he would never expect something like that. "Now get off me, you wanker!." They spent so much time together that she started to use some of his expressions.

"Forgive me..." he begged on a sigh, still shocked and regretting it all.

She stared at him, and all her rage was suddenly gone. She kissed him once again... Kilgrave didn't really realized about it, but he ordered her to forgive him for what he had already done.

*Flashback's End*

Ignoring the arguments and fights they used to have, they were in love... well, sort off... She loved him, and he was in love with her too; but he loved power as well, and he wanted more.

She was getting stronger with his help. They were trying to increase her powers by seeking for all the scientists who worked with mutants, to work with her; so her powers were improving little by little. Her Mind Reading evolved into Telepathy (not only read thoughts, she could even get inside your head for you to know what she was thinking or feeling too), and her almost useless ability to crack a wall with her mind evolved into a slight Telekinesis... she could only manage to move light objects, not heavier than a chair.

"Darling?" Kilgrave called.

"Yes, my handsome man?" Her voice replied from the other side of the apartment, out of his sight.

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