I Forgive You.

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He took another shower, that was so disgusting for him... But she enjoyed it, Kilgrave deserved it, he never asked her if she wanted to get laid. "Arseholes try, I just do" he should have a slogan with that phrase.

After all this, they went out. Finally they arrived to the restaurant and ordered the food.

"So, I can call you by your real name now?" She asked with a smile, thinking about what happened back in the apartment.

"Well, yes, it was about time... After all, we've been dating for some months..." He explained. "Plus, Zebediah Kilgrave is a bit long and..." Kilgrave stared at her for a while. "I think I just realized that you don't have a 'superhero' name." He chuckled.

"Why do I need one?" She laughed.

"I don't know, everyone has one..."

"I'm not calling myself 'The Psyche Girl' or whatever it comes to your mind." She said when she read that stupid name.

"Oi! That one is not so bad!" Kilgrave defended his suggestion.

"You're an idiot..." She chuckled. "Yeah, I know, my idiot..." She said again after reading his thought.

"And what about... 'Black Mamba'?" He suggested as she laughed quite hard.

"You're kidding, right?" She said, still laughing.

"What? It's your favorite animal..."

"It sounds like if I were a snake..." She said drinking some wine. "I prefer... um... 'Fantasia Minx'? Wait, no, it sounds like a whore."

"No... okay, maybe just a little bit. But I want to call you by some name..." He said while standing up and then kneeling down by her side.

"Oh gosh... Kevin..." She said surprised as he took a little box out of his pocket.

"I want to say a name and later I want to ask you-" Kilgrave was saying until she interrupted him.

"Wait, how could you hide this from me?"

"Because I trained myself, trying not to think about this..." He confessed. "I love you..." It was the first time he said something like that.

"Oh, Kevin I- I love you too..." She said as he opened the little box that had a black necklace with purple diamonds.

Close enough... she was expecting a ring. But it proved to him how well he could keep the secrets from her.

He stood up to put the necklace on her neck and whispered "I know it's not a ring, but... would you marry me anyway?"

She smiled. "Of course..." When she turned around to see his face, she saw... another familiar face behind him...

A lot of horrible flashbacks from Area Delta came back to her mind. The guy right there used to do horrible things to her... it wasn't only the different proves and experiments... he abused her, raped her... once or twice... at least those were the number of times she had remembered...

The walls cracked, the chair where the guy was sitting on began to move. She lifted his chair enough for his head to touch the roof. Kilgrave turned his back and saw what she was doing. The whole restaurant stared at them and at the man on the chair. "Honey, do not obey this..." He whispered on her ear.

"You will sit on your chairs! If it's necessary, sit on the floor and do not say anything!" Kilgrave ordered to everyone at the restaurant. "What are you doing, 'Minx'?"

"He raped me..." She said. Kilgrave stared at her shocked and then he looked at the man.

"Did he?" She nodded in response. "Let me take care of him for you, babe" She putted him down again. "Come here." He called the man. "Tell me your name."

"José Flores" The man replied, standing in front of them.

"You recognize this girl?" Kilgrave asked, caressing her cheek, as the man nodded. "You worked experimenting with her, you did what you had to, right?" The man nodded again. "Then, why would she say that you raped her, um?..." Kilgrave's tone changed into a scary voice, showing his anger; he was capable of doing the worst imaginable things with this man now. "Tell me, now! You raped her or not!?"

"Yes..." The man said, he was extremely scared.

"You know what, José?... I hate the word rape... and you know what I hate the most?" The still scared man shook his head, saying 'no'. "Rapists." He sentenced. "Now, go on, José... screw yourself. But do it in your apartment, and then do the world a favor and kill yourself." The man walked out of the restaurant to do what Kilgrave said.

'Minx' ran to the exit of the restaurant. "I need to be alone." She said when she read the question on Kilgrave's mind.

"Honey!..." He yelled, running after her. "Honey! What's wrong?..." Kilgrave asked when he finally got closer enough to her. "Go on, tell me." He ordered.

"You lied to me... I read it... you knew his name. Probably you knew he was going to be there too..." She said, very disappointed.

"B- But it was-... it was for your own good..." Kilgrave tried to explain. "Imagine how powerful you'd become if someone from Area Delta worked with us!"

"No, they would work with me... not with you... they would work for you, doing the experiments with me, not with us." She said. "You don't love me... you love my abilities."

"No, please, don't say that... I- I love you. I really do." Kilgrave said it from the heart.

"I still need some time alone..."

"I'm sorry... j- just..." He was trying to ask her to stay, without ordering her to.

"Do not say anything! I'm getting sick of being manipulated, you know? That's why I need some time on my own!" She yelled, walking faster, leaving him behind.

"You know what!? Go and kill yourself! I had enough of you and your Mind Reading too!" Kilgrave shouted, before starting to walk away from her.
He didn't realized about it. He didn't mean it. But some minutes later he heard the sound of cars stopping and someone yelling: "What the fuck is she doing!?".

He slowly turned his head back, regretting what he just said, and saw her at the other side of the street. She was about to cross the street again, trying to kill herself.
Kilgrave ran back to her, but the green light showed up and a truck was about to pass.

She walked through the street, placing herself in the middle of the way of the truck. "I forgive you, Kevin." Were her last words (sounding inside his head too) before the truck hit her, she read that he didn't really mean it. But, everything happened so quickly that when Kilgrave screamed "STOP!" She was already laying on the pavement, right in front of the truck, which's driver obviously had to obey Kilgrave's order before the truck could literally run over her.

Kilgrave ran to where she was laying and then kneeled to hug her, while crying and whining "Don't, please, don't die... I-... I didn't mean it... I wouldn't really meant this to happen my love, I swear!" He cried. "Please wake up, please, please wake the hell up! Come on! I'm ordering you!."

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