Astrailia: found

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A/N ok here it is by the way, I own nothing j.k. Rowling owns all.

It was a regular day at the granger house. Eric was sleeping while hermionie was waiting for her parents to get back with the groceries. Then it happened. There was a loud pop sound and hermionie was ingulfed into a big hug. When she turned around she Saw her best friend/brother Harry Potter. When he let go of her he almost yelled " Oh my gosh! It is you, we have been looking for 6 years for you! We finoly found you, I have got to tell fred he is so worried about you!!" When he stop hermionie shushed him and said" what do you mean, he is dead! I saw him." Then when Harry was about to explain a little boy ran up to hermionie and said" Momie I am tiered! Who is he?" Harry looked at the boy and hermionie and was about to talk when she said " Eric this is your uncle Harry, Harry this my and Fred's son Eric, he is 6." At this Harry was speachless but finoly said " acio paper and wrote a letter to George. Than said" I better take you two to the flat." Then the left with all of there stuff with a pop. All that was left there was a note to her parents saying what had happens and where she was.

After the apperation: at the twins flat

They were at the twins door when George opened the door and emediatly hugged hermionie. " Minnie I can't believe it's you, or that I am an uncle!" After George let hermionie go he and her went to see fred, who was as usual sulking and missing hermionie. Once there, George and hermionie went in while harry wached Eric. Once inside George had blindfolded fred who was telling him to " bugger off with the act." Once he was calm George said " Fredie I got a suprize for u!" Then he took the blind fold off...

Dun dun dun

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