Chapter 8: Training.

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Jasper have found a small hotel to stay at for the night. Everyone took a room with their mate. Alicia and Jeffery stayed up to check if there's any threat. The night passed peacefully and nothing happened, they packed everything and continued their search. They have to hurry for they have not much time left before the full moon. Days have passed and they haven't found any of the other elementals, they are loosing hope with every passing day. Passing by a house they heard two people fight, a husband and his wife. It is about their kids having strange tattoos, the subject attracted Sophie's and Jeffery's attention. They both unmounted their horses and ran inside. "Where are your kids?" Both of them chorused together then looked at each other with a chuckle.

"What is your business? What are you doing in my house?!" The man angrily stood up from his chair and walked with a serious frown decorating his face. The man is one of those enormous tall and muscular werewolves, he is wearing his house wear with his belly showing.

"We want to see your kids' tattoos. It is a life or death quest here." Sophie said while hearing Jasper and the others walking in. As soon as the man saw Jasper he bowed down, Jasper, on the other hand, was slightly confused. He motioned the man to stand up and so he did.

"My prince, do you remember me?" The woman asked with hope in her voice. She stepped closer but got held back by a protective growl from the wolves with her. It was her twin sons. They have already shifted into their brown and grey wolves, they were small wolves with a tattoo on their shoulders, one is earthy and the other is airy.

Jasper stepped closer with wide eyes full of joy. He have found them at last and they can start training for the fight. He held his hands out placing his hands on the angry wolves' heads, they calmed down instantly and ran up to their room to shift. Jasper then looked at the woman and said "Who are you? And how do you know me?"

The woman sat down and explained to him that she was with him the night his parents died, and that she had to go with her mate to save their kids for she was still pregnant. Jasper asked how they have shifted this early but then the two lads came in again with this smile on their faces. "The moon goddess gave us this blessing if we agreed to help you with your training, white wolf." They said in union making Andrea chuckle, she never understood the telepathy between twins. "Who are those?" They asked looking at the people behind Jasper and his mate.

"Those are my friends and guards, Jeffery here is the fire elemental, Sophie is the water elemental and the shifted wolves are my friends and guards, last but not least, my mate Andrea." He said smiling and kissing his mate.

The twins nodded and got their bags ready. They haven't told their parents anything about them being elementals so they had a lot of explaining to do, but they decided to tell them later and go with the white wolf. They didn't have any horse so they decided to shift and go running. Riding for 3 more nights they have finally arrived to Jasper's castle, they didn't waste no time, they started training Jasper but they have to start with the air element first, water second, earth third, and last fire. Jason, the air elemental.

By the end of the week Jasper has mastered the air element, he has made Jason go mad. For every simple lesson, Jasper have injured someone or Jason or almost demolished the whole castle. Now it is Sophie's turn, and she is not encouraged for she has seen what Jasper did to poor young Jason, he is still healing from the last lesson. So Sophie is taking safety arrangement, she will show him the moves then run a whole mile away from him and let him try.

This is all for today stay tuned.

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