Quite A Few Games

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Chapter 5: Quite a Few Games

((Author's note: Adding a new character to the trio soon :D))

"Oh, shit." Sephiroth looked up at the explosion coming from space. As far away as they were from their planet, it was still visible from Earth. Now that was some explosion.

"What do you mean, 'oh, shit'?" Cloud, who was still confused by the phone call between Kefka and Sephiroth, tugged at his hair nervously. "It better not be that secret weapon. I'll KILL them if they do anything to my friends!"

"Hmph. Typical 'hero' type."

"Oh, stop acting like such an antagonist!"

"Er, Cloud..."

"Oh, yeah. Forgot."

Lizzy stepped in again, shaking her head with a wide grin on her face. "Sorry to interrupt you, but I need to go grocery shopping and I don't want the two of you alone in my apartment. The landlord will have my head." She made a cutting motion across her neck with two fingers. "Come on, boys, get on your bikes."


Time for more Dissidia-ness!

Speaking of time, as of then, Kefka was floating, frozen, in the air with Light of Judgement just beginning to form. Ultimecia was at it again.

"Let's see... poofy dress, tights, high heels, wig... all set!" She put on her Bad Guy Evil Grin (patent pending) and started to dress the crazy clown up. "Now to position you riiight in front of Terra."

She snapped, letting time flow freely again, and both Kefka and his arch-nemesis let out a shrill, high- pitched scream. Light of Judgement went on to hit the Emperor in the face.

"Ultimecia, you'll pay for that..."


At the store, Cole and Seth, as they were called in public, trailed close behind their captor-- er, new friend, both looking around nervously for any fangirls. (If you ask me, glompy fangirls are more dangerous than any meteor.)

"Pssst, Sephy."

"What? And stop calling me Sephy, for Jenova's sake."

"D'you think my friends are worried about me?"

"Well, your extremely powerful arch-enemy, who everyone thought was dead, suddenly shows up at your front door demanding a rematch and drags you into a portal to Gaia knows where. Of course they're not worried!" Sephiroth whispered sarcastically.

Cloud shrunk back. "Sorry I asked, asshole." He looked up at his nemesis again, changing his expression to a curious, naive one. "So why are those other power-hungry jerks angry with you?"

"Say... isn't that your girlfriend?"

"Huh? Where?"

"Made you look."

"I hate you..."

"Nice to know," Sephiroth remarked sarcastically. "because that's totally not obvious, even though you kept trying to kill me."

"Shut up, one-winged jerkwad." Cloud hit his 'brother' in the arm. "Hey, I'm really bored. Want to play Truth or Dare?"

"Er... sure...?"

"All right." Cloud looked around to make sure Lizzy couldn't see them. "Seth. Truth or dare?"

"In all honesty, I don't think I would want to take a dare from you." Sephiroth smirked. "No offense."

"Okay..." He summoned up the courage to say what he was about to ask. "Why did you kill Aerith?"

"One, to break you. Two, she was in my way. Three, she was helping you defeat me. And four, because I could." He showed no emotion whatsoever, which mildly-- okay, extremely pissed off Cloud. "Now, Cl-- I mean Cole, truth or dare?"

"I don't know."

"Okay then, I dare you to call Kefka... on MY iPhone."

"That's easy!" He swiped the black phone from the older man's pocket and dialed Kefka's number.

The destructive clown picked up immediately. "Well, well, well, well, well. If it isn't the silver-haired WEIRDO." Cloud could hear the faint sound of 'tsk, tsk' on the other end. "Well, you're tooooo late. We've alREADY prepared the cannon and guess what!? We did it without YOUR help!"

"Kefka seems a bit... irate." Cloud whispered to his 'brother'. "What did you DO?"

"I swear, you just teleport your leather-clad ass over here or I will PERSONALLY blast you with Light of Judgement, you hear!? You got that?" Kefka's voice shrieked. "EVERYONE is wondering where you are! And not only that, your tardiness ended me up randomly in front of Terra, of all people, and dressed up in drag. I just HATE Ultimecia!"

"Kefka, this is Cloud. Not Sephiroth."

"Oh... Cloud. I see. Well, if YOU're with that guy, you must be out of the weapon's range. Not good, not good at all. Well, that's it, so much for Mr. Nice Kefka. I'm sending someone."

"I don't think that's a good ide--" His voice was cut off by a dial tone. The clown had hung up.

"Well, that went better than I thought," Sephiroth chuckled. "Wait... did he say he'd send someone?"


"Mother save us..."

((Now for the big question...

Who on Gaia did Kefka send?

Ultimecia, Kuja, or maybe even himself?



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