Got Milk?

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On the bus I feel someone tap my shoulder, so I turned around to see who the person was. It was a jock.....eww..what the hell. Can't I enjoy one goddamn day? He looked at me oddly.
"Uh....are you supposed to be a dude or a chick?" He said not thinking if it was quite rude or not.
"Um, well, I don't know if you're blind or not, but I obviously have boobs, and I obviously don't look like a dude."
He just stood there confused still. What was wrong with him? This usually happens to me, but people aren't usually this stupid. I got up from my seat and put my knee on it. He's shorter than I thought....probably a 5th grader. They're mean to us 4th graders.
"Hello? Are you gonna respond?"

The dark skin on his face turned paler, probably because he hasn't done this a lot.

"Oh, you had your hood up and the lights were out. I couldn't tell."
I looked at him dumbfounded. He didn't get it did he?

"It doesn't matter," I say aggravated. "You still don't say that to people, it's hurtful."
And before he could respond the doors to the bus opened and students started piling out.
It was half-way through the day and it was lunch time.
I walked oddly through the lunch line. It always felt so weird because I never knew what to do in a lunch line. I just stood their with no one to talk to. I entered my pin into the computer and got my lunch. When I get to the table Zack is usually there. He never waits for me. I understand because he's a dude and he has other friends but he's my only friend and has been for three years now. He's a short blond. He says he has midget power even though he's only a few inches shorter than me. Oh well. As I sit beside Zack I hear his friend Omar say, "Them black people be eatin' fried chicken all the time."

"But Omar," Zack says with his speech impediment. (Retainer issues) "You are black...."

"And, I don't like chicken. I'm talkin' about the people that do. They be craaaazy!" Omar replied. He's the crazy one. He looks really odd....and he's loud. Like, really loud. I could hear him from across the cafeteria. As I finished lunch I picked up the tray and my milk spilled all over my pants. Well fuck..... Zack just sat there laughing his ass off.
"Thanks for that.." I say sarcastically. I tried wiping the crotch of my pants the best I could but I had no luck. My shirt was to short to cover it. Ugh fml. As I walked into class I see everyone already sitting down in their seats. I tried to avoid them but I get spotted anyways.

"OH MY GOD LOOK AT SAM'S PANTS! IT LOOKS LIKE SHE PISSED HERSELF!" Damn I wish their was a teacher in the classroom. I ran into the hall as I hear laughter from behind trying to ignore it. I walked up to the guidance counselor trying to direct hall traffic and I poked her half arm. (I forget her name and she was born with 1 1/2 arms)  She turned to see me and smiled. Her long wavy black hair covering her shoulders looking really soft.
"May I help you?" She said calmly. She always held a clipboard under her half arm. I like that she actually uses it. I told her what happened shyly and she could tell that I was really upset. So she walked with me back to my classroom and saw destruction in the process. Once they saw me they all laughed. Accept Zack. He's cool.

"Hey!" She yelled. "Why are you guys being so mean to Sam? How would you like it if someone did that to you? It's just milk! If I hear that any of you make fun of her again you will be in big trouble."
I love her. Can I just say that now? As a person I mean. Not sexually.
The teacher finally arrived from her lunch break and announced, "It's January, that means that it's raining! We're not going outside today. Inside recess." Everyone groaned. The school day came to an end and I got on my bus. People kept saying, "What's that sour smell?" And, "Did someone puke?" I just sat there smiling. Karma bitches! I didn't mind the smell so it had no effect on me.

When I got home I went straight to my room to change my pants and my underwear. It went through all the way. Ugh eww. After I cleaned up I heard talking and clicking from the kitchen. Wait.....clicking???

That's when I remembered, we got a new dog.

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