Part 21

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Emma's P.O.V.

It's still the time as in the last chapter

Taylor was acting weird ever since we got back to the room. when him and Carter came to the room and Aaron opened the door they looked so mad. Why would they be mad? could they be jealous? we didn't do anything...

"How was the show?" I asked trying to break the silence

"It was fun." he said but he wasn't excited or anything

"Taylor, what's wrong with you?" I asked him

"Nothing." this time he sounded a little more upset

"yes there is. What is it?" I sat down to on the edge of the bed

he sighed and sat in the chair "okay. I'm sorry, I just got jealous... Matt told us that you guys went to Hayes and Aarons room I just thought about when we first met all of you and Hayes was trying to be near you get to you more. knowing that you were with him and he could try that again when I'm not there with you." he had his head down

I walked over to him and lifted his head up, smiling, I leaned down and kissed him. he was a little surprised for a second then kissed back. I pulled away and smiled at him. he hugged me and carried me back to bed. I cuddled into and he kissed my head, then I fell asleep again...

the next morning

at breakfast

"All I'm saying is we need a girls day" Andrea said with us beside her

"yes we do" Hannah added.

"okay let's go" I perked up

"someone happy" Ryleigh smiled "did you and Tay talk?"

"yeah we did, but for real where should we go?

Hannah jumped up and turned toward us, "lets go scuba diving!"

we all laughed at her then nodded and then when the boys weren't looking we ran to our rooms. we all knew that if they new we were leaving they would follow and not leave our sides. I left a note for Taylor for when he got back and I'm sure the other girls did to.

we took the stairs and ran down to the lobby, we saw the boys going to up the elevator we laughed and ran out to the car. I drove, Ry rode passenger, Hannah and Andrea were in the back. we were jamming to the radio, 'Ayo' by Chris Brown was on. the ride to the beach was pretty fun

we got there and payed our ways in, the director was showing us the equipment and things we should know before diving. some things he told us made me nervous. like how you may feel vonerable once in the ocean. greaaat.not

after we were on the boat going to the spot, we jumped off and went under the water, everything looked beautiful! they're schools of fish everywhere, and the reefs looked amazing. our guide actually came with us and he was showing us cool tunnels and places to swim to

after about a hour we headed back to the boat and got on, on our way back to shore, Andrea started yelling and pointing to the ocean, "THERE IS A FUCKING SHARK!" she's terrified of sharks. we were calming her down while also talking pictures... but then Ryleigh dropped her phone when the boat hit a wave... I tried so hard not to laugh

it didn't work cause she started laughing to, she was saying "So this is my life" we died laughing then we got back to shore and walked to our stuff

"That's what you get for holding your phone out like that" Andres teased her then she yelled "HEY! WHERES MY PHONE!? AND MY BAG!?"

"Haha, shouldn't of left it" Ryleigh teased back and me and Hannah laughed even more

so now we drove to the store, but when we got there it was closed today. this day has been hilarious

we went back to the hotel and met all the boys in the biggest room, Nash's half of then jumped up to see us, did I mention all the notes said was "we'll be back later and I won't keep my phone on me :-)"

their faces we're so funny. but when we told them the whole story it was even more funnier. I was actually crying from laughing so hard. Hannah fell off the bed from laughing to, but Matt stopped laughing because he thought she was hurt, and she actually was this time..

she said yesterday her wrist as been hurting from playing softball, she almost dislocated it. and when she fell off she landed on it wrong and she was biting her lip holding her hand... maybe today was actually 'greaaat' hear the sarcasm?

we all surrounded her and was asking what was wrong, then Matt wanted to take her to the hospital before it got worse, she denied the pain bc she didn't want to go.. we all forced her pretty much.. after the visit, she left with a brace on her wrist and Matt wouldn't leave her side

I saw Ryleigh, Andrea, Cameron, and Carter going to one car that we drove here, I'm guessing they were going to another phone store

I can't help but think what's going to happen to me, I mean so far Ry and Andrea got their phones stolen, Hannah dislocated her wrist. I cant stop thinking about it until Taylor came up to me and sat by me

"Want to go somewhere with me?" he asked with his warm smile, he knew I wasn't happy

"where?" I looked over to him

"Come with me" he took my hand and brought me to the car, I got in and he drove to a bar that was down the road. he knew I liked parties, well not ones that have like 700 people in one house, or bars... oh well to late to go back now. besides, I was with him this should be fun no matter what

skip to like a few drinks later, by a few I mean a lot

I knew I was drunk but I was having fun with Tay to care, next thing I knew we wee heading back to the hotel... Then everything after that was a blur... when I woke up my only thought when I saw him was oh no...

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