chapter 7

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7.    Toilet duties.

I walked up and down the small room. He said if I needed anything just to scream out. I walked up to the iron door and curled my fists around the metal bars, “Is someone out there?” I waited a few seconds. “Hello? Marcus? Anyone?!” I  waited. No reply. “Will one of you idiots answer me? Or do I have to throw a hissy fit?” No one answered. I started kicking the iron door, still nothing. I stopped kicking for a few seconds then screamed at the top of my lungs. Someone started running down the hall then stopped at my door. It was Marcus, “Is everything alright?” he was puffing a little.

“What took you so long? I need to go to the bathroom”

He sighed. “There’s a bucket right there.”

I scowled at him “I’m not using the stupid bucket.”

He shrugged. “Not my problem” then started walking away.

“Hey!” I reached through the bars and grabbed his shirt. “You can’t just leave me here!”

He didn’t move for a few seconds. “I could actually...” he faced me.

Smart ass.”Look are you going to let me out or not?”

He unlocked the door. “Are you going to co-operate when I have to put you back in your room?”

“Fine, and it’s more of a cell then a room”

He laughed a little, “Don’t get smart with me”

He has a nice laugh. For a back stabbing bastard anyway.

We walked up the hallway, “where exactly are we going?”

I saw him smile tightly, “My room”

I would have punched him if he wasn’t so dangerous. “Why are we going there?”

“Because I have a proper bathroom”

Oh. “Oh. Thanks...”

“Eh better then you bitching.”


We turned a few times and then walked up some stairs, this place is huge. We arrived in front of two nice wooden doors, Marcus pushed them open.

“Whoa” His room was massive, about the size of my house. He has a king four poster bed in the middle with an entertainment system and kitchen area to the left and a spa to the right. “Why on earth do you have a spa?”

“I like the bubbles.”

“I think that was the gayest thing you have ever said to me”

“You’ve only known me for two days.”

“And you’ve already beat the crap out of me, kidnapped me and threatened to kill me, congratulations”

“I didn’t have a choice. My dad makes the decisions around here I have to follow them”

“Yeah I’m sure that’s it”

His lips curved, “Besides, if I hit you you’d probably like it” He winked at me.

 “I doubt that.”

He crossed his arms. “Well toilets over there. Don’t mind me I’ll just wait for you here.”

I walked over to the bathroom awkwardly. It can’t be that easy. I looked back over my shoulder, Marcus waved at me. He doesn’t look that stupid... I closed the bathroom door behind me. I mumbled to myself, “Great no windows, how am I going to get out now” I looked back towards the door. I could run past him, but he could easily crash tackle me and put me back in my cell.

Marcus tapped his knuckles on the door, “Come on Moo, that’s what your friend called you when we first met wasn’t it? Moo? Or was it stupid...”

“Shut up”

“Okay okay, don’t death stare me through the door, Moo. By the way the only way to leave this place is through the door you came in. So you can stop trying to escape through the bathroom, unless you’re going to flush yourself. If you are can I watch? Haven’t seen something funny like that in years”

Damn it. I opened the bathroom door and walked out.

“All freshened up? Good.”

I walked past him. I need to find a way out.

“Where are you going?” He put his hand on my right shoulder.


He laughed. Hard. “Ahh... good luck”

I looked at him sadly, “I think you just crushed my spirit.”

His eyes softened a little. “... Not my problem.” He walked up to his entertainment system and put ‘Mass Effect 3’ in the Xbox.

“That’s a good game you’ve got there...”

“Do you play?”

“Me and my brother used to play video games together all the time, we finished ‘Mass effect 1’ together.”

 “Where you any good at it?”

“For a girl yeah, I was third on the high scores list for burnout paradise”

“Really?” He swapped mass effect 3 for Burnout Paradise in instead. “Bring it on” He passed me the Xbox controller. I stared at it for a little while, and then sat next to him; I asked him curiously “Do you want to swap after every 3 crashes?”

He considered it, “sure why not”

I spent the rest of the day playing Xbox with Marcus. I feel like something that was taken away from me had finally come back. I could have sworn my brother was there with me.

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