Chapter 2, Part 1: Illusions of Normal

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I know this is very short, but I wanted to get this out here for whoever is still reading this :P Plus writer's block was being a pain in the tush, and I was happy that i could figure out this little bit so voila!

This is Part 1.

Three long hours of hair-wrenching homework, which included Vix ripping up his sheet of math problems for the sixth time, they were finally finished, red-eyed and exhausted, walking into the kitchen to a feast of Yin-Yang Thai Food on the orange and purple polka-dot counter. Stacey was busy putting paper plates and plastic knives and forks beside the food; they never used the green and red table that was more a decorative piece than a table. They also didn’t own real silverware; they had plastic knives and forks by the box, all stacked precariously in the purple and mango cabinets that lined the walls.

 Everyone was interrupted when the door opened and Rock shoved his way through the doorway, which was a bit small for his size, considering he was big enough to be on WWE, and ironically enough, wanted to be a sumo wrestler. “Hey Rock.” Vix and Sylver said in harmony, fighting over the curry puffs as Stacey ran over to give him a french kiss, making happy-in-love noises while Vix covered his ears, giving Sylver an opportunity to steal the curry puffs and run away, giggling as she jumped over the multi-colored couch. Vix growled, running and leaping over the retro coffee table, only to barrel into the wall. Sylver laughed, quitting this game of theirs since Stacey was doing her best to look scolding and not laugh at the same time. “Now you two, knock it off before I sic Cassidy on you!” She threatened, Rock who was shaking with silent laughter behind her turning red at the mention of his real name. Stacey liked calling him Cassie as his nickname, which was mortifying.  Vix got up, brushing himself off, the only one in the room managing a straight sympathetic look, since he didn’t like his name either. He solemnly nodded at Rock, as in a male solitary type of thing. Stacey rolled her eyes, before grouping everyone to the steaming food to eat.  


            “Oh, I’ve so got you, Princess Peach! YOU’LL NEVER CATCH ME, MWAHAHAHA!” Vix shouted, laughing like a maniac as he waved his Wii MarioKart wheel around wildly, whizzing past Sylver’s Princess Peach car in his Luigi car to pass the race line, winning yet again. Mumbling something about Vix being a cockamamie buffoon, she threw down the driver’s wheel, heaving a sigh, getting more comfy on the couch.  

“Oh, you’re such a bad loser.” Vix said good-naturedly, putting his wheel down as well, dodging her punch to his arm. He checked his watch, not being surprised when he saw it was 1:08 am.

“So, what do you think the punishment your mother will concoct when you try to sneak in this time? No video games for a month, calling Mrs. Bodnicks to assign you extra Calc, or making you work in your Uncle Corbin’s butcher shop?” Sylver said, grinning at the possibilities while Vix shuddered.

“Uh, maybe I should just sit here and spend the night?” Vix begged, like he did every night, as they both knew that Stacey, while she loved Vix like family, would freak if he spent the night, simply because Sylver was a teenage girl, and he was a teenage boy. 

“And then we’ll both get in trouble. Yeah, that’s just not my cup o’ joe, thank you very much.” She shook her head, getting up to stretch and yawn. “Just go and accept your doom, tomorrow – well, today is Thursday, so it’s almost the weekend anyhow. Plus, tomorrow we got that Chem exam, remember? And I am willing to bet twenty bucks that you haven’t studied and that you forgot.” She didn’t have to hear his smothered curse and moan to know that what she said was correct.

“Oh crap, I forgot all about that! Oh man, I gotta go!” And with those words, Vix was up, hopping on one foot trying to tie his shoelaces and grabbing his homework which was scattered in various places. He managed to wave goodbye before running out of the door, barreling down the hallway to run the three blocks to his house. 

Sylver waved goodbye, staring at the paused screen of their last game, thinking of nothing in particular, but wondering what was ahead. She was kin to those people that was always looking for trip wires where there was shadows, conspiracy theories at every corner. The main difference between her and those people, however, was she looked forward to finding them.

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