Randomness #1

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The familiar scream filled the whole house, somehow invading the locked office of Germany. As the cry hit Germany's ears, he was up to his feet and running out of his office.


As he turned the corner to the kitchen, he sees Italy laying on the floor motionless.


Running over, Germany kneels down and puts his ear to his chest. Listening for a beat, he hears a faint thump.

"Italy! Don't die now!"

Suddenly Italy's arm twitched. Germany looked from the arm back to Italy's face.

"Are you alright Italy? What happened? Who attacked you?"

Italy's eyes slowly opened and then his head turned to the kitchen cabinet. Using his finger, he pointed to the empty spot of the cabinet.


"Who did it? Netherlands? North Korea? Who hurt you?"

Closing his eyes again, Italy sniffled.

"N-No. No. NO PASTA!"

Germany looked at Italy blankly for a full ten seconds. Sighing Germany stood up from his spot next to Italy and face palmed.

*Just another ordinary day in Hetalia*


So~~ I just thought of this when I was siting down and watching a GerIta cosplay video. I didn't use the EXACT things that happened (like that epic tank) but the idea came from it. Hope you liked it!!

Just Another Ordinary Day in HetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now