chapter 11

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So i need to fight Natsu alright, i can do that right? I hope so i need to proof them i am not weak little girl they thought i was. So jumping of the balcony and standing a few yards back of Natsu.

''Luce please i don't want to fight you'' he says. ''But Natsu i am going to fight you and proof that i'm not weak like before'' i say. ''Alright lets make a deal if i win you join Fairy Tail again'' he says. ''Okay but if i win you go back to Fairy Tail and leave me alone'' i say. ''Okay but i am not going to lose Luce'' he says. Hearing the pumpkin say go i get in position.

Natsu coming straight at me rasing his fist. ''FIRE DRAGONS IRON FIST'' he says. Dodge his fist i puch him in the stomach. ''Come on Lucy use your magic, proof that you change like you say you did'' he says. ''Alright i show you'' i say with a smirk on my face. ''ROAR OF THE CELESTAIL DRAGON'' i scream. The light and stars hits Natsu sanding him back into the wall. ''Where did you learn dragon slayer magic Luce'' he says with shock in his voice and eyes. ''How do you think, i learnt it from a dragon of course'' i say. For he could say any thing i punched him in the face.

''DRAGON SLAYERS SECRETS ART, CRIMSON LOTUS EXPLODING FLAME BLADE'' he screams his magic hitting me in the face i sending me back a couple of yards. Reposing my self i see that he is complete serious. ''Mh you serious only fair that i do the same right?'' i says. Letting my hair change to golden with silver straps, and my clothes change to my celestial armor.

''You know requip magic'' he says shocked. ''Yup you know not about me, like you thought you did'' i say in a sing-sang voice. ''But i am not in the mood any more, and i don't want to fight any more so i am going to finish this'' i say. ''ROAR OF THE LIGHTING CELESTIAL DRAGON'' a beam of lighting,stars,light comes out of my mouth. Hitting Nastu with full force knocking him out.

''LUCY HEARTAFILLIA OF SABERTOOTH WON THE BATTLE GETTING 10 POINTS FOR SABERTOOTH'' the pumpkin shouts. Walking back to my team i can see Fairy Tail shocked, sad and guilty.

''You did great Lucy i knew you would win'' Sting say. ''Thank you'' i say. ''Sting is right you did good'' Rogue says. Watching the rest of the GMG. Wendy vs Eve Wendy being the winner , Juvia vs Kugura Kugura being the winner.

The day goes pretty fast. Walking down the street i see team Natsu. ''OI Lucy can we talk to you'' Natsu says. ''Alright whats up?'' i say. '''We are really sorry from three years ago and we were hoping you would forgive us'' Erza says. ''Guys i forgave you the second i walked out of the guild, I'm not angry i was just hurt'' i say. ''Does this mean you gome back to the guild?'' Grays asks. ''I am sorry but i am not coming back, Sabertooth is my home now'' i say. ''Alright but just promise you visit some time'' Erza says. ''You can count on that, but i need to go back to the inn before Sting and Rogou coms to find me'' i say. ''Bye luce/Lucy'' they say. ''Bye guys'' i say.

I hope you liked it byebye tot the next chapter <3. Lucy Celestial armor on the pic.

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