"Wake Me Up" ♥

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Author's Note:

Hi boys & girls.

So. I wrote a Troyler One-Shot based off of Wake Me Up by Ed Sheeran & I really hope you guys like it.

I love Ed Sheeran like extreme amounts, so.

It's very emotional in fluff amounts. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND TISSUES.

That is all. I love you!! ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡

P.S. This section of this author's note is written currently in July 2019 as I wrote the other half of that author's note in January 2017. This one-shot is UNFINISHED & undeveloped as of the middle of the first verse, so if it seems incomplete, it's because it is!! But I didn't want to keep this sheltered in my drafts for any longer, especially because I love everything I wrote for this story more than anything I've basically ever written in the past. I guess you can say this is a form of a final present to every Troyler reader I ever had. Thank you once again & I hope you enjoy the parts that ARE well developed & I'm sorry I never finished this. So so much love from me to you.
~Wake Me Up.~

{Tyler's P.O.V.}

I should ink my skin with your name
And take my passport out again
And just replace it

It's been years now since I first fell in love with Troye Sivan Mellet & everyday, my love grows more. He finds new ways to make me become more fond of him, when I didn't even think it was possible. I keep learning new things about him constantly, the discovery of Troye being a never-ending process.

He was someone I was equally terrified of yet obsessed with.

I have so many memories of him, starting with our first set of collaborations when we went through the Tumblr tag & put tattoos all over one another. The cheeky little shit asked me if I had a 'secret tattoo' somewhere, me honestly responding with 'no', him not believing & convinced I had one & just didn't want to tell him. We were so young & we've outgrown YouTube at this point, but I miss it & it's something that's always going to be a huge part of my life. It impacted me in many ways. Without it, I wouldn't have ever met Troye, who's the love of my life.

More memories are flooding in like a crash of waves, not drowning in them, but more like floating, blissfully & in peace. I used to suffocate on my feelings, plunging into the deep end, holding my breath under the water. I'm now swimming to the surface to be taken into the comforting sense of home, to be saved. But home is just a room full of my safest sounds & it'll be sent out to the universe to be ringing forever for me to be enveloped in the arms of the beautiful boy who is... Troye.

Our tour around Europe, one of our most fond memories. This was a once in a lifetime, extraordinary trip. We spent so much time together, having the most fun I've ever had in my entire life.

Everything was better with him.

This is when we fell in love, being surrounded by some of the most romantic cities in the world. Anytime a camera turned on for a vlog, we had to do our best to stay away from one another though because our fans got so crazy about us sometimes. It's so wonderful to know though that people were so supportive of us, friendship or a romantic relationship. I was exploring the world, at the same time, exploring new parts of Troye I never knew about. I picked up on more cute, little habits & quirks he has, studying him like he's a work of art.

Hell, he is. We took the risk of taking our relationship one step further & am I so glad we did.

"Art is risk," he told me when we kissed for the first time in Italy like a real kiss. Not the bullshit, stage kiss we shared at Digifest, a real one. One that was filled with burning passion, love, desperation, hunger, lust, desire.

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