Why do I lose everything at Sammy's place?

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'‘Lord I was born a rambling man. Trying to make a living and doing the best I can’” , I sang along to the radio, tapping my foot along with the beat. 

Just as I’m getting ready to sing the next verse the song cuts off. 

“What the heck Sammy?”, I demand from the backseat. He hasn’t said anything to either Dean or me the entire ride from the university to this run down gas station, and now he thinks he can just mess with my jam?

Aww hell no. 

“It’s been giving me a headache the entire trip”, came his response. 

My eyes narrow. 

‘Maybe your getting a headache from that giant book you’ve engrossed yourself in!’, I wanted to shout at him, but  huffed and looked out my window instead. 

I was really happy Sammy decided to come with Dean and I on the road trip, but I still had unplaceable anger towards him because for the whole two years he was away at college, he never once picked up a phone and called to see how we were doing - how I was doing. 

I thought we had a better relationship than that. 

“Mary kate if you have something to say to me then just say it”, I looked up from my view and noticed Sammy had turned full around in his seat to look at well, glare if you will, at me.

I met Sam’s glare with my own, “Why didn’t you call me?”.

After all we had been through together mom’s death why would he just kick me out of his life?

He sighed, “I was busy studying”.

“To busy to pick up a damn phone!?”, I shout. “Sammy if you wanted me out of your life at least say that. Its better then trying to feed me some BS”.

“Alright fine I did want you all out of my life. Its just...”, Sammy hesitated, “I was finally happy and-”.

“And you weren’t happy around us?”, I clarified. 

He shook his head, “All dad made us do was train, train, train, and train. I wanted to have a normal life!”, he practically screams at me. 

All I wanted to do as shout back at him. But if I did it would only make matters worse so I composed myself. 

“You know dad wanted you to have a normal life. He just had a funny way of showing it”, I defended my father. Yeah, I know the old man and I don’t get along, mostly because he can’t stand to look at me with my strong resemblance to my mother, but I will try to defend him once in a while.

Sammy nodded, “You got that right. I just wanted him to show up to at least one of my soccer games”, he said. 

You and me both, brother. 

All that anger I felt for Sammy moments ago cleared away like acne on your face after a week of using Proactive. See this is how our relationship works. We fight and get P.O. at  each other, but when we finally talk about it all is good again. 

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