The Winchester Girl

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                                ****Stanford University****

“Sam! Get a move on, would you? We were supposed to be there fifteen minutes ago!”, Jess called. “Sam! You coming or what?”.

“Do I have to?”, I asked, appearing in front of her.

“Yes”, she insisted. “It’ll be fun. And where is your costume?”.

“You know how I feel about Halloween”, I reminded my girlfriend.


“Here’s to Sam and his awesome Lsat victory”, Jess proposed a toast. We clinked our drinks and gulped down the yellow liquid from it. 

“Alright, alright it’s not that big a deal”, I said.

“He acts all humble but he scored a 174”, Jess stated. Gary, who was in the middle of drinking his third shot of tequila, choked. 

“He’s that good?”, Gary asked in amazement. 

Scary good”, Jess replied. 

Gary slung his arm over my shoulder. 

“So there you go you are first round draft pick. You can go to any law school you want”.

“Actually I have an interview here, monday”, I confessed. “If it goes ok I might have a chance to a full ride next year”.

“Hey, it’s going to go great”, Jess assured me. 

I nodded, “It better”.

How does it feel to be the golden boy of your family?”, Gary asked. 

“Eh, they don’t know”, I shrugged. 

“They don’t know?”, Gary repeated. “I would be gloating! Why not?”.

“Because were not exactly the Brady’s”, I said.

“And I’m not exactly the hockster-boats. More shots!”, my drunken friend stumbled up to the bar to get us more alcohol. 

“No!”, Jess and I pleaded, but nothing can keep that man away from alcohol. 

“But seriously”, Jess turned to me. “I’m proud of you. Your going to knock them dead on monday and get that full ride. I know it”. 

I shook my head, “What would I do without you?”.

“Crash and burn”, she leaned in and kissed me. 

God, I was lucky to have her. 


It was ten o’clock and Jess and I were soundly asleep in our beds. 

Just as I was having the best dream of my life. A loud crashing sound jolted me up. 

Fortunately Jess was still asleep. Thank god she is a heavy sleeper. 

I jumped out of bed and slowly started walking into the living where the crashing sound had come from. As I walked in I noticed that the window was open. 

No way am I getting robbed!

There was a creaking sound coming from the kitchen. Someone was defiantly in there. 

Stepping closer towards the beaded curtain-like kitchen entrance, a figure walked by. I saw his shadow walk into the living room, where I was currently standing. Quietly, I started making my way towards it. 

I launched toward the apposite robber, grabbing the back of his neck, he countered my attack and grabbed my arm, twisting it around me. I broke free from his grasp, but didn’t let go of his arm. Instead I twisted it behind his head, but he ducked and shoved me back. 

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