Chapter 6

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Just a reminder: Most Copyrights belong to J.K Rowling minus some characters and most of the storyline. Comment, Rate, & Vote:)

Chapter 6

Arron's P.O.V

The halls were abnormally quiet. People walked through them all wearing black with a symbol of there house represented on some piece of clothing. You couldn't make eye contact with no one. Everybody held there heads down. A good kid he was. He was very sweet to me and I enjoyed his company inside of the common room. His funeral was held today.

A week later from the accident and now it was time to say our final goodbyes. His parents came to Hogwarts because they wanted his classmates to be able to attend his funeral. We were told to be ready I all black and to meet at the front door of Hogwarts where we would depart all at once together as a school of one. I was currently walking to the main exit right now but I was alone. I didn't go with no one because I didn't want to be bothered. I wore a simple strapless little back dress with my black high top converses and my black cardigan.

To represent my house I just wore the Syltherin scarf Draco gave to me the first day we met. He never did ask for it back and Professor Snape did give me my own. I kept his for memories though and decided today was a day I would want to wear it. In the stitching where the snake emblem, you see his name stitched on the small ribbon. I haven't seen speaking of; I haven't seen him at all since the accident. I began to worry about him. I missed his presence floating around in the common room. But I guessed that he wouldn't want to be bothered so I didn't try looking for him. I just allowed him to be.

As for Kasper, I hate him. It seems that he always manages to make things worse for everyone. He should be kissing Emilie's ass for saving his life. If not her, Draco would have killed him right on the spot. I made my way past the great hall, following everyone else, but stopped short.

I turned my head to face the great hall and there sitting down at the Syltherins table was Draco. His hands over his face, shoulders slumped over the table. I knew he didn't want to be bothered but I did it anyways knowing that he needed somebody to be with. I slowly walked over to the table and sat down besides him not making a sound. He didn't look to see who it was nor did he speak. We were like that for a minute until he broke the silence.

"He's really dead." He mumbled more to him self then to me.

Slowly he lefted his head and tilted it to face me. He had bags under his eyes like he hadn't slept in a while. His checks had dried up tears; his is eyes swollen from the crying. It hurt my heart to see him broken down like this. I moved closer to him wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my face into the nook of his neck. I was hesitant to speak but I did anyways.

"I'm so sorry. I'll always be here for you. Never forget that." I whispered into his ear.

I felt his arms go arm my waist and he whispered 'Thank You' before resting his chin on my shoulders. He sobbed quietly and I just stood with him. I know how it feels losing some loved ones. It's no joke. It feels as though your heart is squeezing itself to death. So I just stood there with him. Minutes went by and even though I didn't want to go I thought it would only be right to show up to his best friend's funeral at least to say goodbye. So I pulled away from his hold and stood up. He glanced up at me and I held out my hand for him to take. He stared at it then at me and I smiled a bit letting him know it was going to be okay. He got up slowly hesitantly then took my hand and kissed it. That made me blush a deep red and he smiled which only made it worst because I loved it when he was happy. I was glad I managed to put one on his face even though it didn't last very long. I let his hand go to in order for me to fix his tie which had the Syltherin emblem on it.

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