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Technically I've known you for years

But we've never spoken often,

about five years to be exact,

seventh to eleventh grade.

I never paid much attention to you

Nor you to me

We dangled at the edges of each others fields of vision

For three years, maybe four.

You were one of the few I respected,

the few, who although never bothered to encounter me,

never did anything to cross or vex me either.

Tenth grade, you caught my eye.

I'd like to hope I caught yours too. But then again, I doubt I did.

I heard you sing, then you in turn, asked me to sing a tune.

Gradually, I took a liking to you

And there aren't many people I can say that for.

I doubt you even noticed, that's just how slight it was

The outward change...

However, inside..

Inside is always another story.

You sent chills through my spine when you entered a room

Your stride demanded attention, your gaze held me still.

It's so easy to hold a conversation with someone,

Who's dark hazel irises effortlessly, gently,

forbid you a single move.

Tall and confident, your very presence coerced me into submission

And tamed my rogue demeanor.

Strangely enough, I'd never go against it.

And when you sing... even if only for a second or two

Time stops for a moment even now, as I remember

A soothing voice torrenting from chiseled jaws, dripping off your tongue like honey.

A low sweet tenor, like the howling of the Timber wolf,

at a Midnight's full moon.

And it was during our scarce encounters

That you'd release that lovely sound.

As thrilling to the ear as sugar to the tongue.

All the more reason to love English~

Your laugh, your smile..

I've always adored.

Watching you bawl out a laugh laced with charm,

Watching you smile

And bare your teeth like a lion, confident of victory

Around your eyes, deep like pools of hazel dye

Dark outlines of half circles, neatly curved...

Like the stripes around a tiger's eyes

The largest, no doubt the strongest of the cats

The essence of majesty in your stride

A physique that tells of impressive feats

of physical strength.

After all, you're rumored to be strong, right?

Reflexes far sharper,

Than your natural air of charm

Than the sunlight reflected by your smile,

And a wolf-whistle...

Another sound I've come to love.

Your name.... That of a great king,

who ruled in ancient times.

A man, after God's own heart...

While still somehow being able to capture..


I doubt You'll ever know how I perceive you, admire you,

This year, the next, or ever.

And Frankly, I don't care.

Odds are that you've been claimed..

And even if you haven't... I have, haha.

Be that as it may,

Anyone would be lucky to have you..

My Timber wolf,

My Lion, Tiger...

My King.

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