Alone Together -The Fault in Our Stars Fanfiction-

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I gently stroke Augustus' hand, so cold and coarse in my own warm and soft hands. He smiles softly at me, he lies in the hospital bed placed adorningly by the window so the sun plays patterns on the blanket covering him. "Hazel Grace, how do you do it?" He smirks, the dauntingly metaphorical cigarette dangles from his paled lips, sickness ravages his system. But today is a good day, he's sipping on orange juice through a swirly straw his Mum bought because he has problems holding up a cup of liquid. I read An Imperial Affliction to him. He dozes. He loves me. His parents hover, well we all do I suppose. As Augustus rests by the window, drenching in the sun, his parents, his sisters, nephews and I sit precariously on the sofa waiting for the inevitable. It could be tonight. I recall on a text receieved a week earlier, it could have been. But it wasn't.

"Okay." I hear from Augusts' bed. 


"Okay." I whisper. His Mum hurries over to him, checking his meds, checking him. It's late, 5PM. I kiss Gus softly on the cheek, hesitating for a second before doing so. He's fragile. I bid farewell to his parents before leaving, tears trickle from my eyes during my drive home. 


Mum, Dad and I relax on the couch watching ANTM and snacking on Pringles. My lungs feel heavy, my mind flickers to an image of fluid gushing into my lungs. Mum feels me tense up, her eyes flicker over to me.  She's scruitinizing my every movement.

Mum: Want another chip, Hazel?

Me: Actually I'm pretty tired, might call it a night.

Dad: Your Mother and I wer-

Me: I'm fine!

I yelp as a sharp pain begins in my chest, searing upwards towards my throat. Mum's at my side in a flash, interrogating me. 

"I'm fine Mum, really." I smile weakly to her before heading upstairs to bed.

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