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I wake up early in the morning, dragging my sorry ass out of bed to get ready for todays college classes, fiddling with the bi-pap before heading to the bathroom and peeling off my pajamas. Stepping into the shower, I lift my face towards the water as it refreshes me. When I leave the bathroom Mum's hovering outside.

"Yes?" I raise an eyebrow to her.

"Just wanted to pee." She smiles tentatively before rushing into the bathroom and promptly vomiting into the bathroom sink. I hover before she waves me away, as if I'm not used to seeing people vomit.

After my classes I wander to the mall to try find a good book for Augustus, ignoring the voice in the back of my mind saying that he's too sick to read. I feel more tired than usual, feeling weight on my shoulders. Pain sears through my chest as I pant lightly, having no where to sit down. I feel sweat trickle down my forehead as people start to stare, I'm stumbling and coughing. Finally I just sit on the ground with my head placed between my knees. The ground spins, spots of black closing my vision. The last thing I see before I pass out is a poster advertising a new type of ice cream, before everything turns black.

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