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"Alright everyone pointe ballet for thirty-two seconds today. We've been working on this for the past week. I want everyone doing it or we will re-do it multiple times, like last week.."

Mrs. Fillion gracefully steered around the dancers as they attempted to stay steady. "....we don't want to repeat last week's 'ankle incident'" she said eyeing the local red-head Eva who had nearly capsized her whole row and tweaked a bone in her foot.

And here I was, barely keeping up. But I liked to impress my peers, so I fought. She steered her way around my row.

"Ah Grace. Here you are trying to impress me with all your might.." she slapped my stomach making it twist into a knot. "....you always try way too hard to be prima ballerina darling...you can't achieve it with those repulsive knees.." She loved to insult us. Well mostly me.

"32 SECONDS UP!" she shouted making our eardrums pierce.

"I will see you lovelies tomorrow, don't be late, we need talk about upcoming recital. And bring your skirts!"

The younger girls nearly collapsed, but the rest of us made our way to the changing rooms.

My mother always said Mrs. Gillion was jealous of me. She said because I was tall, skinny, and completely graceful. But I no longer have her encouragement. Ever since I graduated high school she moved back to Colorado, and now I'm living in my own flat with my best friend Layla in the big competitive city of LA.

"Hey Grace." I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around to see Eva Sawyer. Eva was a sophomore in high school and we were good friends. She lived in the flat next to mine and sometimes we'd go shopping for our ballet costumes or watch movies together.

"Do you want to get some Chipotle on the way home?" she asked taking out her bun. I slipped on my sweats and graphic tee. "Um..Well sorry I shouldn't. I kinda have plans with... Drake.." I explained.

"You and DRAKE?! The hottie from the smoothie bar...Oh my god!" she squealed.

"I guess..." I blushed uncontrollably. Drake actually wasn't my "Netflix and Chill" buddy. I didn't have time for boys. He was 1.) A senior in high school who's failing Science and 2.) A complete JERK! But I didn't have the heart to break it to Eva. She was already coming up with ship names with her quirky friends...

I scooted out of there fast. My phone rang in my pocket. Ugh...Drake..


"He ya..Grace...meet me at Starbucks babe.."

"First of all...I thought we were supposed to meet at Sean's Cafe! And second of all do not call me babe."

"Change of plans...that you're going to agree to."

I didn't even get a chance to speak. He hung up the phone before I could take a breath.

Sean's cafe was the perfect place to go. It was right across the street. Five feet AWAY! Now I have to walk a mile in my worn out Vans.



As I approached the front door of Starbucks I could see Drake flirting with some orange-skinned blonde drinking her Vanilla bean Frappicuino. I bolted in and ordered my drink.

"I'll have a regular coffee, strong, like very strong." I asked.

"Will that be it ma'am?" the friendly Barista asked.

"Actually...I think I'll have a muffin...a poppy seed muffin." She gave me a cute white-toothed smile and handed me my coffee and muffin.

I pulled Drake's arm away from the girl and he tripped into the chair.

"What the hell! I was about to get that girl's number." he said taking a sip of his latte.

"Where are your books? We have to do this work..or else you'll fail." I questioned him.

He smirked. "Your such a nerd you know that. Your such a cute nerd." He pinched my cheek. I slapped his hand away. "Your books." I demanded.

He reached into his backpack and pulled out a crappy Wide Ruled notebook and a graffitied Science Textbook. The poor book was covered in ugly words and weird doodles. What a shame.

"Now.." I read the homework from my phone that his teacher sent me. It showed the answers, too.

"Can you name five gas elements on the periodic table?" I asked.

He opened his notes, but I stopped him.

"This is going to be on finals, no notes Drake."

I remember ballet finals, my first year it was awful. Nobody ever told me that ballet class had finals. My movements were awful. My dancing was off to music. And I had no knowledge whatsoever on the history of dance.

Drake put his head in his hands. Maybe he was actually going to try.

"Um...my rich farts.." he joked. I felt like slapping him in the face. This was going to be a long night...


A/N: What do you guys think? Is Grace going to fall in love with Drake's awkward stupidity? Or is she going to just keep focused on dance?

Give me feedback on what you think! Who's your favourite character so far? Like, vote and comment!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2015 ⏰

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