Chapter 2

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Author's Note: Prepare for some early drama coming your way:) ~enjoy

Shizuo sat up from the couch.

"Oh, Izaya...." he said. There was a long pause.

"So...your brother....did you tell him" she quietly said over the phone. He sighed.

"He didn't really sound....supportive"

"Hm...knowing your heartless brother-"

"Hey! Don't call my brother that!" the blonde shouted gribbing the phone. He heard the raven sigh over the phone.

"Yeah, whatever. I'll see you at Shinra's" she harshly said hanging up the phone.

The two were heading over to the Shinra's to discuss the engagement dinner the next day. The blonde stared at the phone and closed his eyes. Kasuka never liked Izaya, I guess you can say he hated her too? When he saw his brother in harmed or angry it was always Izaya that caused it. Izaya never really had any care for the young brother, she always saw him as a stuck up, emotionless, and cocky actor. Shizuo did notice Izaya being a little more tense, with all the wedding planning and still collecting information for work of course. Namie was of course planning the wedding with the help of Shinra & Celty. Shizuo later left his apartment heading to Shinra's apartment. The doctor's apartment was a walking distance for the blonde and soonly arrived outside of the apartment building. The blonde noticed his fiance waiting outside the building on her phone. She wore a short gray skirt, her long black nylongs, and her black V neck, and with her over size black parka of course. The blonde walked to the raven wearing his normal bartender suit, since he had been working a little before his incounter with Kasuka. The raven looked up noticing him and walked towards the blonde. They stood in front of eachother with a small awkward pause. Shizuo looked away trying to avoid eye contact with his wife-to-be. Izaya on the other hand stared directly at the blonde with no concern. She bit her lip looking at the ground.

"Sorry....for what I said....before" she said quietly. The blonde slowly picked up his head and shrugged. Izaya narrowed her eyesbrows.

"You know you shouldn't over react like that, especially on the phone?" she snapped crossing her arms. Shizuo squinted his eyes.

"What? If your asking who over reacted, it was you!" he shouted. Izaya glared at the blonde and rolled her eyes. She stomped into the apartment building walking to the elevator, Shizuo walking behind her. The two entered the elevator, the two stood in silence till they reached the floor. Izaya walked ahead of Shizuo still crossing her arms. She rang the door bell of the apartment and waited standing next to her fiance.

"Don't embarrass me for Gods sake" she said looking forward. The blonde rolled his eyes.

"Shut up" he responded.

The door opened, it was Celty. She waved at the two and invited them in.

[ Glad for you guys to make it ] she typed on her PDA.  Izaya smiled while Shizuo nodded.

"Oh! Shizuo, Izaya!" Shinra said coming from the hallway with a large folder "Please, sit down"

The two sat down on the doctor's couch. Izaya crossed her arms and legs sitting straight leaning on the couch, she was sure annoyed. Shinra placed the large folder on the coffee table and opened it to stacks of papers and pictures.

"So we were going to discuss the arrangements for tomorrow?" he said grabbing a couple of papers. "So lets get started"

The doctor pulled out a paper from the stack adjusting his glasses.

"You two are to be at the hall early at 5pm the dinner doesn't start till 6pm and will be ending at 10pm but you guys will be leaving around 11pm" 

Shizuo nodded and glanced over to his fiance. He gently placed his hand on her thigh. She looked over and scooted further from the blonde. Shinra noticed the tension between and knew something was up. The doctor scratched the back of his head.

", any questions. Shizuo, Izaya?" he said awkwardly. Shizuo leaned forward.

"Well I was thinking tha-"  

*Cell Phone Ringing*

Izaya grabbed the phone out of her pocket and flipped it opened. She looked at the screen, and closed the phone putting it back in her pocket.

"Excuse me" she said getting up from the couch "Shiki-san and I have business to take care of"

The raven walked towards the front door and began to put her shoes on.

"Eh? Izaya, don't you want to hear what Shizuo was going to say" he said standing from the couch. Izaya had her shoes completely on. She placed her hand on the knob facing the door.

"No." she said opening and later slamming the door behind her. Shinra jumped from how loud the slam was and turned to the blonde staring on the ground.

"Shizuo. Is she...alright?" the doctor said quietly.

[ She seems tensed ] Celty typed on her PDA.

"Yeah...she's fine" he sighed "were just having some problems. With the wedding and all, that's it"

Shinra stared and the blonde and sighed as well.

"Listen Shizuo, you guys have been dating for only a couple months and." the doctor said quietly. There was a long awkward pause. "Are you sure you guys are ready for marriage"

Shizuo looked down and sighed. The blonde was confused and worried. Were the two ready for marriage? Not to mention all the responsibilities towards a marriage. 

" Wait did she just say she was going to see Shiki-san?! " he thought to himself

Shizuo didn't really know much about Shiki. He knew he was a known gang leader around Ikebukuro , was a part of the yakuza group , and not to mention the person who Izaya had lost her virginity to. Izaya had lost her virginity to Shiki during High school, the time she was started getting involved in the yakuza group. It was a bit embrassing since Izaya was his very first. 

"Shiki-san and I were just discussing some business about work. We were in the moment and it we did it in his house while his wife was out?" she said the first time she had discussed it with Shizuo.

Shizuo looked back to that conversation the two shared and was a bit uncomfortable. To know his fiance was with the person that she had lost her virginity to. Shizuo bit his lip nervously.

"Shizuo? Are you alright?" the doctor said. Shizuo was blanked out and came back to reality.

"Um...yeah" he nodded. The doctor looked at his wrist watch.

"It's getting late, you should get some sleep" Shinra said


"Oh, Shizuo. What were you going to say before?" the doctor said concerned

"Forget it" the blonde said getting up from the couch. 

To Be Continued....


The Wedding(ShizuoXFem!Izaya)Where stories live. Discover now