Reaching a Boiling Point

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Dried dead grass was all that remained of what once had likely been a stunning garden. A vast stone fountain stood in the center of the back yard. Two marble statues of children, a boy and girl at play, ran through what used to be a wide pool. But the spouts that had fed that fountain were long ago rusted and caked with lime. Where water used to sparkle, now there was only a muddied pit filled with decayed leaves and refuse.

Shawn kept close to the building as edged towards the small door he could see through the thick covering of ivy. Probably a servant's entrance at one point. He could still reach the handle through the vegetation, but a single tug showed it either to be locked or-

"Probably rusted shut."

Shawn jumped – a half turn finding Gus near his right side. Gus tipped back his head – eyes traveling up and up the massive stone and brick mansion.

"Just for the record, I was more than willing to let the cops handle this."

Shawn nodded; both of them turning back towards the small door. "For the record? So was I." And then he slammed his shoulder into the door.


Lassiter had taken point – Juliet several steps back while the remaining four officers covered their rear. His vest made movements a little stiff but he was used to the weight. Room by room, they cleared the first floor. Unlike the previous house, this place was packed with furniture, knickknacks, and just general crap. Dobson nearly took a bad fall trying to step over a tippy pile of boxes. Only a quick lunge by O'Hara and Officer Patrick saved the man from face planting on the mouldering rug. Well, what could be seen of the mouldering rug, anyhow. Lassiter nudged aside a ceramic pig with his toe before moving on towards the dark hall.

Somewhere distant, at the back of the mansion, he could hear the other group of officers making their way towards them. Giving their position on the radio clipped to his shoulder, Lassiter pushed on towards the huge stairway at the mid-point of the building. His left shoulder brushed against peeling blue paint – flecks of it peppering his hair. Not exactly stealthy as every step squeaked and creaked on the faded wood. A pause every handful of seconds, listening, and then advancing on again. Nothing but their breathing.

The second group gave an update on their location as they moved through the kitchen and on towards a thick door they believed led to the basement or cellar.

"Copy that; watch it down there." Voice just loud enough to carry over the radio and forcing his mind on the present and not memories of blood and rot and closed in spaces, Lassiter waved them up the last four steps and stopped – weapon covering one side of the landing while O'Hara covered the other end. Still clear.

Three fingers pointing left, he sent half their group towards the cluster of doors taking up that wing. O'Hara nodded and took point – only taking a moment to look her partner in the eyes before moving on down the faded runner. With two officers at his back, Lassiter left the remaining contingent towards the two doors to his right.

The first room was small bathroom – tiny hexagonal tiles covered the floor and a worn green rug sat in front of the toilet. The curtain was missing from the claw foot tub – the metal rings on the curtain rod old and rusty. Nothing to see and no other rooms leading off from the bathroom so Lassiter backed them out and moved to the final room.


Juliet was in the childhood room of her dreams.

Pink checkered curtains edged with white ruffles covered a large window overlooking the back yard. From that vantage, she could see the huge shade trees, the fountain, and what looked like an overgrown well.

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