chapter 3

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"Sorry Mom, I can't eat anything right now. I'm so late." I say as I sprint out the door. 

I can't believe that I woke up so late. I guess it's karma because of what I said to Taylor yesterday. She's so lucky to be sleeping in now and not outside in this cold, miserable weather. My mind is so preoccupied that I didn't notice a black Jeep slowing down behind me. I looked straight and started to walk faster. 

The black Jeep drove faster to be at the same speed as me. Just as I was about to break into a sprint, the window rolled down and I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey coffee cluts, do you need a ride?" the boy with the beautiful brown eyes. His eyes always seem to be different shades of brown every time I have seen him. 

"It's okay, it's not that far..."

He cuts me off, "Kate, it's far. Just get in the car." 

I awkwardly jump into his car. My mom would be so mad at me right now, but its too cold and rainy to be walking. A girl is sitting in the front seat, she's too young to be his girlfriend...Right?

"Kate this is my sister Aaliyah, I have to drop her off at her friends house before we can go to the cafe. Is that okay?" 

"Oh yeah, that's totally fine." I'm bout to be fired. "What are you going to study?" I asked trying to make conversations and get my mind off of being late.

"We're going to try and study some math, but its probably isn't going to work. We're probably going to talk about cute guys." Aaliyah smirked at the guy, knowing that it would irritate her brother.

"NO! You are not talking about guys, you are too young and you need to focus on school." The boy sternly told his sister while looking intensely at the road. 

"Yeah listen to your brother..." I said sarcastically. 

The boy looks at me in the rearview window, his face has a playful smirk. He slows the car down to a stop and his sister leaves the car. 

"Bye Shawn, pick me up in 3 hours. Nice to meet you Kate!" Aaliyah said smiling and walking towards the big two story house. 

"Want to move up to the front seat?" Shawn said, still smirking at me in the rearview mirror.

"Um, okay, I guess." I said, while stumbling out of the car. I am so awkward, this is going to be a really awkward car ride. 

"Lets get you to work!" He said smiling and turing on to the road. 

"Thank you for paying for the cups that I broke. I will pay you back when I get my next paycheck." 

"Don't worry about it. How about you call me up on Saturday so I can get you some pants? I'll give you my number at the cafe." 

I feel his eyes on me while I look outside at the cafe coming into sight through the window. 

"You really don't need to get me new pants, I have a lot." I said awkwardly, as we walk into Half-full Cafe. 

"I insist. Here, call me." Shawn opens up the door for me and hands me a paper with his number on it. 

Mrs. Scott wasn't there yet, and it wasn't busy either. Shawn puts his computer on the wooden table in the front of the room next to the window. I walk to get my apron behind the counter. I take over my coworkers spot at the register and start to take orders. Shawn comes up to order.

"Could I have a medium hot chocolate, hun?" He asks with a wink at the end. 

"Sure, that would be $4.70. Anything else?"

"Yes, could I have extra whip cream?"

"Of course, anything else?"

"Make it a extra chocolaty." Shawn said smirking at me.

"Okay, I think you are done with this order. It is $4.70." I said getting slightly annoyed.

"Here's $10. Could I have my change in nickels and pennies?" 

"No, heres your change. Bye." I said with a sarcastic smile at the end.

I continued taking orders for the next two hours. Shawn stayed in the same seat the entire time, typing something on his laptop. Only breaking to drink some of his hot chocolate. As I was cleaning up to go out to my lunch break, Shawn stops me.

" I still have another hour before I have to pick Aaliyah. Do you want to go eat lunch with me?" 

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