chapter 19

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It's been a few days since the accident and I can be discharged. Cole and Mom are unable to leave the hospital so that the doctors can check their recovery process. Dad told me that Cole woke up from coma yesterday and that he is fine, besides his sprained neck.

Shawn has been coming to see me everyday, bringing with him food and many different get well gifts that are pilling up beside my bed. So it's no surprise to see him walking into my room today.

"I can go home today!" I say to him as he walks to my bedside.

"I heard! Your Dad asked me to take you home." Shawn says happily while he reaches for my hand to hold.

Over the past few days, my Dad has been eating lunch with Shawn and I. I can tell that Dad is warming up to Shawn and he really likes him.

"Okay! You can be my chauffeur." I tease.

Shawn laughs, "Okay, whatever you say. I'm going to go get the nurse then we can go. If you want to see your Mom and Cole before we leave I can get your Dad."

"Is it okay if I see them? It won't be too long."

"Of course, and take your time. I'll go find your Dad." Shawn gently places my hand back on the bed and he walks out the door.

Soon a nurse and Dad walk into my room with a wheelchair. I'm able to walk fine, but I guess all patients, even when discharged, are not allowed to walk "long" distances.

Dad wheels me into Mom's room and I see her sitting up on her bed, reading a book. She looks almost like her normal self, besides the gauze wrap around her head.

"Hi Mom!" I jump out of my wheelchair and gently squeeze Mom with a hug.

"Kate! I'm so happy you and Cole are fine. I don't know what I would do if I lost..." Tears begin to run down her cheek. Her once white eyes begin to turn pink.

"Mom, don't cry. Everything is fine, we're all okay!" I say with watery eyes.

Dad comes and hugs us both. Soft weeps are the only thing breaking the silence in the hospital room.

"I heard you have a boyfriend." Mom smirks at me as we all break apart from the family hug.

"I really don't. He's just...Well he's a friend but more than that. He's not my boyfriend...He's just...My Shawn." I scratch my head, unsure what to call him.

"Okay, whatever you want to call him. But we don't want to keep him waiting, so we'll go and see Cole." Dad says as he wheels me away from Mom's bed.

"I love you, Mom. I'll see you soon!" I wave at her.

"Love you too, Kate. I'll be home soon." She waves back.

Dad wheels me to Cole's room. Our rooms are a lot closer than I thought it was. Because of my condition, which wasn't bad at all, the doctors told me not to walk too much so I could have a faster recovery time.

"Kate!" Cole says the second Dad opens the door.

"Cole! Next time Mom takes us to school, I'll let you sit in the front." I say.

I hug Cole the same way I hugged Mom, trying to be careful so that I wouldn't hurt them.

"When you go home, can you feed my fish?" Cole asks me after we finish our hug.

"Sure, Cole. I'll feed them everyday until you come home."

"Kate, can you also do all my chores?" Cole asks with a smile.

"Nice try." I laugh and rub his hair gently. "See you soon, Cole!"

"Bye Kate!" Cole smiles at me as Dad closes the door.

"I trust him but if Shawn tries to do anything funny with you, call me." Dad warns me as he rolls me through the hospital.

"Dad. He's not going to do that." I roll my eyes.

"It's just a Dad thing for me to tell you."

"I'll be fine, Dad. I'll call you when I get home." I say, reassuring him.

"Okay. But if he tries to do anything..."

"Yes, I'll call you. But nothing is going to happen." I cut him off, knowing already what he's going to say.

We are in the waiting room and I see Shawn walk to us. He takes my Dad's spot, "I'll keep her safe, sir. I promise." Shawn shakes my Dad's hand and begins to wheel me out of the hospital.

Shawn takes off his jacket and hands it to me. I noticed that it began snowing the other day from my hospital room window. We exit the hospital door and the cold air hits me. I pull Shawn's jacket closer around my body, and I smell his enticing aroma.

"It feels amazing to be outside." I say, feeling free from that cramped room.

"It feels amazing to be with you." Shawn whispers next to my ear.

My cheeks are burning up with embarrassment and I have a goofy smile plastered on my face. I see his black Jeep in the now white parking lot. When we get to his car, he unlocks the door and I try to stand up get in but Shawn stops me.

"I'm not going to let you move a single muscle today." Shawn says as he lifts me up from the wheelchair. He carries me bridal style and places me softly in the front seat of his car. Shawn then puts the seatbelt on for me.

"I can do things you know, I'm not a baby." I say getting a little irritated that he is doing everything for me.

"Well, today you're going to be my baby." Shawn winks at me before closing the car door.

Shawn slowly and carefully drives to my house, making sure to completely stop and also going slower than the speed limit. A car abruptly turns into his lane and he steps on the brake, also flying his arm in front of me to make sure I don't fly forward.

I watch him as he drives and his beautiful brown eyes are fixed on the road. I'm falling deeply in love with him. Every time I look at him, my heart jumps and I feel so much more than butterflies in my stomach when I'm with him.

Shawn pulls up into my driveway and unbuckles my seatbelt for me.

"Don't do anything, I'll open your door." He says.

Shawn practically sprints to open my door, and then he carries me once again to the front of the door.

"Your Dad gave me the keys to your house." Shawn says as he fumbles with the keys in his hand.

"Shawn, you can put me down." I say seeing that his is struggling to carry me and open the door.

"No. I got this."

"You're taking this chauffeur thing very seriously." We both laugh as Shawn opens the door to my house.

"Okay, hold on tight. I'm going to go up the stairs." Shawn warns me.

I wrap my arms around his neck and place my head on his chest. I hear his heartbeat and feel his warmth. Shawn gently places me on my bed and covers me with my blanket.

"It's almost lunch, what do you feel like eating?" Shawn asks me.

"I'm not hungry. All I want to do is sleep." I yawn.

"Okay, I'll be down stairs if you need me." Shawn turns around to open my bedroom door.

"Wait. I...want you to stay with me." I whisper.
Shawn slowly slides under the covers with me and I put my head back onto his chest.

I hear his familiar heartbeat and warmth. I never want this moment to end.

to all my readers,
I am so thankful to you all for getting this story to 1k views. I hope you all are enjoying the story. thank you for being patient and waiting for me to upload. if you made it this far in the story, I have many more ideas coming your way so thanks for sticking through the boring parts. lots of love to all of you.

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