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Alyssa POV
I stepped out of my mom's Honda Pilot lugging  my heavy suitcase and clutching on to my iPhone.
"Bye Alyssa! Have a great summer!" My mum said and gave my the biggest bear hug in the world.
"Yes and stay out of trouble dear" my dad said giving  me his "look".
"Of course." I replied to him.
Once they left, I dragged my stuff to the front door of my cousins house and rang the bell. In a couple seconds, a ginger haired guy with the biggest smile you could imagine opened the door.
"EDDY!!!!!" I said and gave him a huge hug.
"Aly! You're here I missed you so much." He said
"I know. I can't believe my parents actually agreed to do this. They literally can't live without me" i said smirking.
"Hahaha we will have a blast! Now come in. I will take your stuff." Ed took my suitcase and brought it upstairs to my room. For some reason he didn't let me in.
"I want this to be a surprise for you okay? So don't peek until I tell you." He said smiling from ear to ear.
"Okkkayyy" I said clasping my hands around my eyes.
I waited patiently for the signal and then walked inside.
"Can I open my eyes?" I asked
"Gladly" he replied
I did so and the sight was so cute. I was standing on the softest of carpets in the world.
There was a little day bed with mint green covers and polka dotted black and white pillows that gave me a HGTV feel. On either side of the bed there were little side drawers one with a reading lamp, and two vanilla scented candles  on it and the other with a pile of my old books that I left here including Harry Potter and Lord of the rings.  To the front of the room was an antique vanity with fairy lights strung up across it. And lastly, there was a window looking across the sandy beaches of LA. This was literally a dream.
"Oh thank you so much!" I said and once again engulfed him in a hug.
"I'll leave you to unwind a bit and unpack." He said closing the door behind him. I fell on to the plush mattress from exhaustion  and just thought for a while on how amazing this summer was going to be. Then I heard something downstairs. I sneaked out of my bedroom and watched from the stairs as I heard the most angelic voice on the planet earth
"I thought that I've been hurt before
But no one's ever left me quite this sore
Your words cut deeper than a knife
Now I need someone to breathe me back to life
Got a feeling that I'm going under
But I know that I'll make it out alive
If I quit calling you my lover
Move on
You watch me bleed until I can't breathe
I'm shaking falling onto my knees
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches
I'm tripping over myself
I'm aching begging you to come help
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches." He stopped singing and I felt the strong urge to clap but I restrained myself not wanting appear be nosy.
"that's all I've got so far but I'm working on it and the guitar part" the singer said.

He played guitar as well?

"Great job Mate I think you will do well on this project" I heard my cousin reply to him.  I finally took a sneak peek at who the mysterious singer was. I gasped. He was- I don't even know how to describe it. Just breathtaking. My heart suddenly started pounding really fast.
Was I developing a crush?
I asked to myself. I shook of the thought and headed back to my room.
I need to unpack.
After fifteen minutes or so, I heard the door close and footsteps coming upstairs followed by a slight knock on the door.
"Aly can I come in?" He asked.
"Sure." I said opening the door for him.

Did he see me watching them?

"So tomorrow evening I am hosting a barbecue in honour of my new album and I am inviting a couple of my friends . Care to join us?" He asked.

"Yeah sure it will be a blast!" I said.
"Okay. Wear anything you would like and it will start at five. Okay?" He assured.
I nodded.

"Great!"he left the room. I continued to unpack and once I was finished, I changed into my pjs bottems and tank top. I swept my long ginger hair into a top knot and opened my laptop to Skype my best friend at home Olivia. Olivia is a curious girl. She is always having a new phase. Like last year it was one direction and this year it is five seconds of summer. It's funny actually to see all the posters change every year. But she was also known for being the queen of acting. I mean she is in everyone's opinion, the next Angelina Jolie. We talked and talked for at least two hours, about the mystery boy, life back at home, and other sorts of gossip before I couldn't keep my eyelids open for any longer. I bid farewell shutting the computer and soon i drafted off into an endless slumber.

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