Tom 'Snippet' Imagines #1

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(So, I had to re-write this about 4 times due to Wattpad not saving the drafts, so, excuse any weird typos or dryness; I got really frustrated :/)

Imagine reading a Loki fanfiction in a cafe, only to be caught by Tom himself reading it, but he responds kindly.
"'I'm sorry, I'm being so intrusive. I'm quite flattered that someone would spend the time to read and write about one of my best-played characters. Whats you favorite Loki scene?' He was being very kind, but I could feel my face heat up in embarrassment and a sort of shame. He smiled at me with respect, which comforted me slightly, but, god. I'm never reading fanfiction in public again."

Imagine you and Tom both having a day off and watching old plays and musicals all day long.
"When 'A Time For Us' came on during the old Romeo and Juliet film, he took my hand and pulled me up, taking me in his warm arms and beginning a slow dance. We both decided that that would be our song from now on."

Imagine Tom discovering you reading Hamlet and begins to reenact it for you.
"You laugh out loud as he exaggeratedly acts out the murder of the uncle, making ridiculous 'dying' noises. You weirdly felt bad for laughing, but after he was done with his noises on the ground, you laid next to him and kissed his cheek."

Imagine Tom trying to convince you that tea is better than coffee.
"'Your British roots are showing, honey.'
He smiles good-heartedly, but stands his ground, 'Tea comes in so many flavours, ranging from sweet to bitter. Coffee's good, but its all bitter unless you put extra condiments in it.'
You laugh at his insistence, hitting his arm jokingly and smile at him, 'Tom, I think we can both agree that Tea and Coffee are natural equivalents.'"

Imagine going to the set of the Avengers with Tom and getting the behind-the-scenes goodness.
"During breaks, Tom would pick up Mjölnir, hook you around the waist, and pretend to fly away with Thor's hammer still garbed in his Loki costume. You and the cast would all laugh at him, but you would go silent and the crew would 'aww' as he gave you a big kiss in the midst of the joke."

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