The Simple Yet Complicated Life of Annabel Lee

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   Yay!!!!!!!!!! Shout out to Megan (see above dedication) cause shes just awesome like that XP


   Ok, I know what you may be thinking right now. Who on earth names their kid Annabel Lee? Well someone like my mother, my crazy insane artistic mother; when my dad left us she had no one to help her pick out a half decent name. Thus I was named after a lady from an Edgar Allen Poe poem. In which, I would like to point out, the lady dies a very violent death. It just warms my heart.

But I don't really care what other people think of me, I'm what some people may call... Strange. Well with bright red hair, kind if a nerdy personality and only two friends it was kind of hard to fit in to today's definition of "normal". 

I was different. That was my excuse for everything. For not getting picked first in dodgeball. For my teachers not liking me. I knew it was just that, and excuse, but it helped get me through two and a half years of high school so it couldn't be that bad.  

Suddenly I heard my phone ring.

   "Anniieee," I heard Sara say in a whiny voice.

   "You know I don't like it when you call me that," I huffed. Sara didn't care, she just kept on jabbering.

   "...and you forgot to come to Jamba's with me and Nick." Oh shoot.

   "I'll be there ASAP"

   "ASAP my butt," she muttered. "You better be,"

   I jumped in my old pickup truck and it started with a roar and a jerk. I sighed. I was really going to have to get this thing checked out soon.

   "Sara is going to kill me if I'm late" I thought to myself as I speed down the road slowly drifting over the speed limit of 30. Good ole middle of nowhere.

   I spotted Nick's car as soon as I pulled into the parking lot. Sara was with him, sitting shotgun and boy did she look mad.

   "And she shows! She said in a sarcastic tone. She must be having a bad day. And judging by the look on Nick's face it had something to do with him.

   Sara was always hanging on Nick's arm or following him like a puppy, trying to make him agree to go out with her. He has been denying her since third grade, she really needed to get over him.

   "Sorry, I guess I lost track of time" I told Sara with an apologetic smile.

   "What are we going to do with you?"

   "Forgive me?"

   "We'll start that forgiveness with you treating us to smoothies." and with that she bounced away towards the doors of Jamba Juice.

   "Tell me again why they built one of these here?" I asked Nick as we followed Sara into the café.

   "Rural Community Building"

   "Mhhm" I wasn't really listening, I was too busy looking at the menu.

   "I'd suggest the kiwi-mango blend,"

   I looked up to see a, well to put it bluntly, absolutely gorgeous guy. He had a narrow face with eyes that looked like melted emeralds framed by curly, dirty blond hair. Under the white collared shirt and apron (oh. my. gawd.) there was tan skin and toned muscles. I imagined him as a drawing, or better yet, an oil painting. Something that really caught the way the light hit his eyes or the natural hi-lights in his hair. I looked back up to his face to see him give me a small smile before I realized that I was staring and not even trying to conceal it.

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