*chapter three* A new friend

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I had to go to school today. I didn't want to, but I had to face Luna. Well.. Better now than never. I was cycling down the road with music in my ears. My favorite song from sleeping with sirens started playing: "Do it now remember it later". I love this song. I wanted to sing along, but then I remembered I couldn't sing and I didn't know the lyrics. Well at least I was at school now. I parked my bike and walked down the almost empty hallway. I arrived at my locker and got out the books I needed. I left and walked toward my classroom. I saw Luna and Isa waiting near their lockers and walked towards them, determined to apologize to Luna. 

"Hey Isa, hey Luna." I said softly and a little scared. They turned around to face me. "Look Luna, I'm sorry. I was just in a bad mood, but I shouldn't have reacted that way. Certainly not towards you, because I know you're always there for me. I'm really sorry." I told her honestly. 

"It's okay Skye, really. Forgive and forget." She said and hugged me tightly. "I don't want to lose our friendship over something stupid like this." She said and smiled. 

"I'm sorry to break the moment guys, but shouldn't we go to class?" Isa asked. 

"Oh, yeah.." We replied in unison. We looked at each other and started laughing. We stopped when we heard an amazing voice.

But you

Make me wanna act like a girl

Paint my nails and wear high heels

Yes you, make me so nervous that  

I just can hold your hands

We all turned around while the voice was singing. The girl had her eyes closed at first and when she opened her eyes, she didn't even notice us. She walked towards her locker while she continued the singing.

You make me glow

But I cover up

Won't I let it show

"Damn she can sing so freaking good and she doesn't even know it. That girl is one hell of a singer." Luna said serious. 

"I always knew she could sing good, but that..." Isa added.

So I'm putting my defences up

Cause I don't wanna fall in love

If I ever did that

I think I'd have a heart attack.

Amina turned around and saw us looking at her with our mouths wide open. 

"Oh hey you guys, didn't see you standing there. What are you looking at? Is there something on my face?" she asked us while looking at us with a questioning look in her eyes. 

"No, no there is nothing on your face." I told her when I found back my voice. 

"Damn girl, you can sing." Leave it to Luna to say what Isa and I were thinking. Amina blushed and looked away trying to avoid the looks we were giving her. That's when the bell rang signaling the first period had started. I realized we were late for class. I hate being late for class. The worst part is that I never blame myself, I always blame others. I know, it's a bad habit. 

"Well Fuck it! Now I'm late for class, my mom is going to be so happy!" I yelled frustrated. 

"Really is your mom going to be happy about that?" Isa asked oblivious to my sarcasm. 

"No, it was sarcasm you dumb-ass." I snapped at her. I walked angrily towards the first period. Geography, well my life couldn't get any better right now. Sarcasm indeed if you couldn't tell. I struggled through my day, without my friends. Yes, I was still angry. Yes, I'm probably PMS-ing right now. But I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!!! In my angry state I walked into a guy from my class. I didn't even notice him before. I helped him off the ground. "I'm sorry. I'm Skye by the way." 

"It really doesn't matter, oh and I'm Ryan. Nice to finally meet you. I've seen you around with your friends. Where are they?" 

"Well, we actually got in a fight. We make up later, but I don't want to talk to them today. Do you want to hang out with me?"I asked hopeful so that I didn't have to be alone anymore. 

"Yeah sure, why not." Ryan said with an cute smile. Oh no, I don't like him, he's just really cute. His light brown eyes sparkled with joy. His hair was the exact same color as his eyes. He had his hair up in spikes so he looked like an hedgehog. He was really small. But all in all he was a cute and fun company. We talked a lot about our lives. He was easy to talk to. The end of the day coming closer and closer. I knew I had to face my friends eventually.  

"Hey Skye." Ryan said and took me out of my thoughts. "I can come with you to go and talk to your friends, I know you're struggling." 

"Would you really do that for me?" I asked him in disbelieve. 

"Of course, we're friends right and that is what friends do. They help each other out." 

"Thanks Ryan, I appreciate that a lot." I smiled and hugged him.

"Awww, look at that. Looks like Skye has found a new lover." I heard Luca say to Jake, another asshole in my class. Yup, you heard it right I said another asshole. Luca is one too. Oh wait, I didn't even tell you guys what has happened. Here we go. Back in time.

*flashback within a flashback* 

(A/N not really a flashback but just an kind of explanation. I wanted to name it a flashback, because I just thought it looked cool ;) )

It was valentine's day. Everyone was happy and gave each other presents. Today the roses were handed out to everybody. Yes, we have an tradition going on in our school that we send people a rose. You can chose who you send a rose to and how many roses you send. It is 1 euro per rose and it is totally anonymous. Well you know what I did? Yes you probably guessed it already, I send a rose to Luca. You know what's even worse? Everyone knew I liked him, because I can't keep my mouth shut when I like someone. I get blinded by love. The statement: love makes blind, really is true for me. When I am in love, I only think about myself and not about others. Yup I'm a bad friend when I'm in love. (I've changed though.) So everyone asked if it was me who send that rose to Luca. Luckily Luna helped me lying and saying to everybody it wasn't me. Now you know what I did? I sent him an email that evening asking if he liked me as much as I liked him. Well that was a big no. let's just say I got embarrassed in front of the whole class. Luckily my friends were there to help me fight back. Yup, that happened.

*end of flashback within a flashback*

"Shut up, Luca" I said. "we're just friends." 

"You heard that Jake? They're just friends. Do you say that to everyone you like Skye?" he asked and I looked away. 

"Shut it Luca. We're just friends. I don't think you even have true friends. Or do you? You will never know what true friendship is like." Ryan told him looking up because he's so small. 

"Oh how cute, the little boy has a backbone." Luca replied sarcastic. Jake laughed and high fived him. 

"Hey you asshole! You have two choices, getting beaten up or walking away. You have five seconds." Luna told them. Wait a sec. Why was Luna here? Well she's helping me :) "One.. Two.. Three.. Four and Five." Luca and Jake walked away scared. Yes they were scared, scared of Luna. She can get pretty scary when she is angry. She turned around to face me. 

"Skye, do you want to tell me something?" Luna asked curious.


Well hello there. :-) I appreciate it a lot that you are reading my story. I've got some questions though., what do you think of Ryan? What does Skye have to tell Luna? VOTE if you like the story ;) i finally made a longer chappy :) yeah mee.. je suis très contant :) tralalaa love you guys :)

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